package ICC::Support::nMIX; use strict; use Carp; our $VERSION = 0.31; # revised 2016-05-17 # # Copyright © 2004-2018 by William B. Birkett # add development directory use lib 'lib'; # inherit from Shared use parent qw(ICC::Shared); # enable static variables use feature 'state'; # create new nMIX object # parameter may be a hash -or- an ICC::Support::Chart object # columns is an optional column slice for the chart clut data # hash may contain references to clut array or delta array # hash keys are: ('array', 'delta') # parameter: () # parameter: (ref_to_attribute_hash) # parameter: (chart_object, [columns]) # returns: (ref_to_object) sub new { # get object class my $class = shift(); # create empty nMIX object my $self = [ {}, # object header [], # clut [], # delta [], # clut exp undef, # clut exp cache (for Lapack) ]; # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, a hash reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { # make new nMIX object from attribute hash _new_from_hash($self, @_); # if one or two parameters, first parameter an ICC::Support::Chart object } elsif ((@_ == 1 || @_ == 2) && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'ICC::Support::Chart')) { # make new nMIX object from chart _new_from_chart($self, @_); } else { # error croak('parameter must be a hash reference or ICC::Support::Chart object'); } } # bless object bless($self, $class); # return object reference return($self); } # get/set reference to header hash # parameters: ([ref_to_new_hash]) # returns: (ref_to_hash) sub header { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, a hash reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { # set header to copy of hash $self->[0] = {%{$_[0]}}; } else { # error croak('parameter must be a hash reference'); } } # return reference return($self->[0]); } # get/set reference to clut array # parameters: ([ref_to_new_array]) # returns: (ref_to_array) sub array { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, a 2-D array reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$_[0]} == grep {ref() eq 'ARRAY'} @{$_[0]}) { # copy array to object and bless $self->[1] = bless(Storable::dclone($_[0]), 'Math::Matrix'); # if one parameter, a Math::Matrix object } elsif (@_ == 1 && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Math::Matrix')) { # copy matrix to object $self->[1] = Storable::dclone($_[0]); } else { # error croak('clut must be a 2-D array reference or Math::Matrix object'); } # for each corner point for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[1]}) { # for each spectral value for my $j (0 .. $#{$self->[1][$i]}) { # set value to zero, if negative $self->[1][$i][$j] = 0 if ($self->[1][$i][$j] < 0); } } # update arrays _update_clut_exp($self); } # return reference return($self->[1]); } # get/set reference to delta array # scalar value parameter fills array with that value # parameters: ([ref_to_new_array -or- scalar_value]) # returns: (ref_to_array) sub delta { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # if there are parameters if (@_) { # if one parameter, a 1-D array reference if (@_ == 1 && ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$_[0]} == grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @{$_[0]}) { # make delta array $self->[2] = [@{$_[0]}]; # if one parameter, a scalar number } elsif (@_ == 1 && Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_[0])) { # if array is defined if (defined($self->[1])) { # make delta array $self->[2] = [($_[0]) x @{$self->[1][0]}]; } else { # error croak ('array must be defined when specifying delta as a scalar'); } } else { # error croak('\'delta\' parameter must be a scalar or a 1-D array reference'); } # update arrays _update_clut_exp($self); } # return reference return($self->[2]); } # get number of input channels # returns: (number) sub cin { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # return return(int(log(@{$self->[1]})/log(2) + 1E-12)); } # get number of output channels # returns: (number) sub cout { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # return return(scalar(@{$self->[1][0]})); } # transform data # supported input types: # parameters: (list, [hash]) # parameters: (vector, [hash]) # parameters: (matrix, [hash]) # parameters: (Math::Matrix_object, [hash]) # parameters: (structure, [hash]) # returns: (same_type_as_input) sub transform { # set hash value (0 or 1) my $h = ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH' ? 1 : 0; # if input a 'Math::Matrix' object if (@_ == $h + 2 && UNIVERSAL::isa($_[1], 'Math::Matrix')) { # call matrix transform &_trans2; # if input an array reference } elsif (@_ == $h + 2 && ref($_[1]) eq 'ARRAY') { # if array contains numbers (vector) if (! ref($_[1][0]) && @{$_[1]} == grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @{$_[1]}) { # call vector transform &_trans1; # if array contains vectors (2-D array) } elsif (ref($_[1][0]) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$_[1]} == grep {ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' && Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_->[0])} @{$_[1]}) { # call matrix transform &_trans2; } else { # call structure transform &_trans3; } # if input a list (of numbers) } elsif (@_ == $h + 1 + grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @_) { # call list transform &_trans0; } else { # error croak('invalid transform input'); } } # compute Jacobian matrix # nominal input range is (0 - 1) # hash key 'ubox' enables unit box extrapolation # clipped outputs are extrapolated using Jacobian # parameters: (input_vector, [hash]) # returns: (Jacobian_matrix, [output_vector]) sub jacobian { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # local variables my ($ext, $out, $jac, $jac_bc, $d, $s, $dx); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # if extrapolation required (any input outside the unit box) if ($hash->{'ubox'} && grep {$_ < 0.0 || $_ > 1.0} @{$in}) { # compute intersection with unit box ($ext, $in) = _intersect($in); } # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute output using Lapack module $out = ICC::Support::Lapack::nMIX_vec_trans($in, $self->[4], $self->[2]); # compute Jacobian using Lapack module $jac = ICC::Support::Lapack::nMIX_jacobian($in, $self->[4], $self->[2], $out); # bless Jacobian as Math::Matrix object bless($jac, 'Math::Matrix'); } else { # compute output values $out = _trans1($self, $in); # compute the barycentric jacobian $jac_bc = _barycentric_jacobian($in); # compute Jacobian (before exponentiation) $jac = $self->[3]->transpose * $jac_bc; # for each row (output) for my $i (0 .. $#{$jac}) { # get delta value $d = $self->[2][$i]; # skip if delta is one next if ($d == 1); # get output value $s = $out->[$i]; # compute exponentiation adjustment $dx = $s ? $d ? abs($s)**(1 - $d)/$d : $s : 0; # for each column (input) for my $j (0 .. $#{$jac->[0]}) { # adjust for exponentiation $jac->[$i][$j] *= $dx; } } } # if output values wanted if (wantarray) { # if output extrapolated if (defined($ext)) { # for each output for my $i (0 .. $#{$out}) { # add delta value $out->[$i] += ICC::Shared::dotProduct($jac->[$i], $ext); } } # return Jacobian and output vector return($jac, $out); } else { # return Jacobian only return($jac); } } # compute parametric Jacobian matrix # parameters: (input_vector) # returns: (parametric_jacobian_matrix) sub parajac { # get parameters my ($self, $in) = @_; # return Jacobian matrix return(Math::Matrix->diagonal(_parametric($self, $in))); } # print object contents to string # format is an array structure # parameter: ([format]) # returns: (string) sub sdump { # get parameters my ($self, $p) = @_; # local variables my ($s, $fmt); # resolve parameter to an array reference $p = defined($p) ? ref($p) eq 'ARRAY' ? $p : [$p] : []; # get format string $fmt = defined($p->[0]) && ! ref($p->[0]) ? $p->[0] : 'undef'; # set string to object ID $s = sprintf("'%s' object, (0x%x)\n", ref($self), $self); # return return($s); } # transform list # parameters: (object_reference, list, [hash]) # returns: (list) sub _trans0 { # local variables my ($self, $hash); my ($coef, $sum, $product, @out); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # get object reference $self = shift(); # get optional hash $hash = pop() if (ref($_[-1]) eq 'HASH'); # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute output using Lapack module @out = @{ICC::Support::Lapack::nMIX_vec_trans(\@_, $self->[4], $self->[2])}; } else { # compute output using '_trans1' @out = @{_trans1($self, \@_)}; } # return return(@out); } # transform vector # parameters: (object_reference, vector, [hash]) # returns: (vector) sub _trans1 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # local variables my ($coef, $sum, $out); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute output using Lapack module $out = ICC::Support::Lapack::nMIX_vec_trans($in, $self->[4], $self->[2]); } else { # compute barycentric coefficients $coef = _barycentric($in); # for each output value for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[3][0]}) { # initialize sum $sum = 0; # for each coefficient for my $j (0 .. $#{$coef}) { # add product to sum $sum += $self->[3][$j][$i] * $coef->[$j] if ($coef->[$j]); } # save result $out->[$i] = _pow1p($sum, $self->[2][$i]); } } # return return($out); } # transform matrix (2-D array -or- Math::Matrix object) # parameters: (object_reference, matrix, [hash]) # returns: (matrix) sub _trans2 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # local variables my ($coef, $sum, $product, $mean, $ratio, $out); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute output using Lapack module $out = ICC::Support::Lapack::nMIX_mat_trans($in, $self->[4], $self->[2]); } else { # for each input vector for my $k (0 .. $#{$in}) { # compute barycentric coefficients $coef = _barycentric($in->[$k]); # for each output value for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[3][0]}) { # initialize sum $sum = 0; # for each coefficient for my $j (0 .. $#{$coef}) { # add product to sum $sum += $self->[3][$j][$i] * $coef->[$j] if ($coef->[$j]); } # save result $out->[$k][$i] = _pow1p($sum, $self->[2][$i]); } } } # return return(UNIVERSAL::isa($in, 'Math::Matrix') ? bless($out, 'Math::Matrix') : $out); } # transform structure # parameters: (object_reference, structure, [hash]) # returns: (structure) sub _trans3 { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $hash) = @_; # local variables my ($out); # transform the array structure _crawl($self, $in, $out = [], $hash); # return return($out); } # recursive transform # array structure is traversed until scalar arrays are found and transformed # parameters: (ref_to_object, input_array_reference, output_array_reference, hash) sub _crawl { # get parameters my ($self, $in, $out, $hash) = @_; # if input is a vector (reference to a scalar array) if (@{$in} == grep {! ref()} @{$in}) { # transform input vector and copy to output @{$out} = @{_trans1($self, $in, $hash)}; } else { # for each input element for my $i (0 .. $#{$in}) { # if an array reference if (ref($in->[$i]) eq 'ARRAY') { # transform next level _crawl($self, $in->[$i], $out->[$i] = [], $hash); } else { # error croak('invalid transform input'); } } } } # update exponentiated CLUT # parameter: (ref_to_object) sub _update_clut_exp { # get object reference my $self = shift(); # check if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded state $lapack = defined($INC{'ICC/Support/'}); # if clut and delta are defined and not null if (defined($self->[1]) && @{$self->[1]} && defined($self->[2]) && @{$self->[2]}) { # if ICC::Support::Lapack module is loaded if ($lapack) { # compute mixture array $self->[3] = ICC::Support::Lapack::nMIX_power($self->[1], $self->[2]); # create cached mixture array $self->[4] = ICC::Support::Lapack::cache_2D($self->[3]); } else { # for each row for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[1]}) { # for each column for my $j (0 .. $#{$self->[1][0]}) { # exponentiate corner point value $self->[3][$i][$j] = _powm1($self->[1][$i][$j], $self->[2][$j]); } } } } # bless as Math::Matrix object bless($self->[3], 'Math::Matrix'); } # compute barycentric coefficients # parameter: (input_vector) # returns: (coefficient_array) sub _barycentric { # get parameter my $dev = shift(); # local variables my ($devc, $coef); # compute complement values $devc = [map {1 - $_} @{$dev}]; # initialize coefficient array $coef = [(1.0) x 2**@{$dev}]; # for each coefficient for my $i (0 .. $#{$coef}) { # for each device value for my $j (0 .. $#{$dev}) { # if $j-th bit set if ($i >> $j & 1) { # multiply by device value $coef->[$i] *= $dev->[$j]; } else { # multiply by (1 - device value) $coef->[$i] *= $devc->[$j]; } } } # return return($coef); } # compute barycentric Jacobian matrix # parameter: (input_vector) # returns: (Jacobian_matrix) sub _barycentric_jacobian { # get parameter my $dev = shift(); # local variables my ($devc, $rows, $jac); # compute complement values $devc = [map {1 - $_} @{$dev}]; # compute matrix rows $rows = 2**@{$dev}; # for each matrix row for my $i (0 .. $rows - 1) { # initialize row $jac->[$i] = [(1.0) x @{$dev}]; # for each matrix column for my $j (0 .. $#{$dev}) { # for each device value for my $k (0 .. $#{$dev}) { # if $k-th bit set if ($i >> $k & 1) { # multiply by device value -or- 1 (skip) $jac->[$i][$j] *= $dev->[$k] if ($j != $k); } else { # multiply by (1 - device value) -or- -1 $jac->[$i][$j] *= ($j != $k) ? $devc->[$k] : -1; } } } } # return return(bless($jac, 'Math::Matrix')); } # find unit box intersection # with line from input to box-center # parameters: (input_vector) # returns: (extrapolation_vector, intersection_vector) sub _intersect { # get input values my ($in) = shift(); # local variables my (@cin, $dmax, $ubox, $ext); # compute input to box-center difference @cin = map {$_ - 0.5} @{$in}; # initialize $dmax = 0; # for each difference for (@cin) { # if larger absolute value if (abs($_) > $dmax) { # new max difference $dmax = abs($_); } } # multiply max difference by 2 $dmax *= 2; # compute intersection vector (on surface of unit box) $ubox = [map {$_/$dmax + 0.5} @cin]; # compute extrapolation vector (as Math::Matrix object) $ext = [map {$in->[$_] - $ubox->[$_]} (0 .. $#{$in})]; # return return($ext, $ubox); } # compute parametric partial derivatives # parameters: (object_reference, input_vector) # returns: (partial_derivative_vector) sub _parametric { # get parameters my ($self, $in) = @_; # local variables my ($bc, $cp, $d, $s1, $sum1, $sum2, $pj, $dk, $pd, $r); # calculate barycentric coordinates $bc = _barycentric($in); # get corner point matrix $cp = $self->[1]; # for each delta/output value for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[2]}) { # get delta value $d = $self->[2][$i]; # if delta non-zeroish if (abs($d) >= 1E-5) { # initialize sums $sum1 = $sum2 = 0; # for each corner point for my $j (0 .. $#{$cp}) { # accumulate sums $sum1 += $s1 = $bc->[$j] * $cp->[$j][$i]**$d; $sum2 += $s1 * log($cp->[$j][$i]); } # compute partial derivative $pj->[$i] = $sum1**(1/$d) * ($sum2/$sum1 - log($sum1)/$d)/$d; } else { # for delta +/- 1E-5 for my $k (0 .. 1) { # set delta $dk = $k ? -1E-5 : 1E-5; # initialize sums $sum1 = $sum2 = 0; # for each corner point for my $j (0 .. $#{$cp}) { # accumulate sums $sum1 += $s1 = $bc->[$j] * $cp->[$j][$i]**$dk; $sum2 += $s1 * log($cp->[$j][$i]); } # compute partial derivative $pd->[$k] = $sum1**(1/$dk) * ($sum2/$sum1 - log($sum1)/$dk)/$dk; } # compute interpolation ratio $r = 0.5 - $d/2E-5; # interpolate partial derivative $pj->[$i] = $r * $pd->[0] + (1 - $r) * $pd->[1]; } } # return array of partial derivatives return($pj); } # exponentiate corner point # uses expm1 function for small exponents # parameters: (base, exponent) # returns: (base^exponent) sub _powm1 { # get parameters my ($base, $exp) = @_; if ($exp == 0.0) { if ($base > 0.0) { return(log($base)) } else { return(-(DBL_MAX)) } } elsif ($exp < 1.0) { if ($base > 0.0) { return(ICC::Support::Lapack::expm1(log($base) * $exp)) } else { return(-1.0) } } else { if ($base > 0.0) { return(POSIX::pow($base, $exp)) } else { return(0) } } } # exponentiate barycentric sum # uses log1p function for small exponents # parameters: (base, exponent) # returns: (base^(1/exponent)) sub _pow1p { # get parameters my ($base, $exp) = @_; if ($exp == 0.0) { return(exp($base)) } elsif ($exp < 1.0) { if ($base > -1.0) { return(exp(ICC::Support::Lapack::log1p($base)/$exp)) } else { return(0.0) } } else { if ($base > 0.0) { return(POSIX::pow($base, 1.0/$exp)) } else { return(0.0) } } } # make new nMIX object from attribute hash # hash may contain pointers to clut array or delta array # hash keys are: ('array', 'delta') # object elements not specified in the hash are unchanged # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_attribute_hash) sub _new_from_hash { # get parameters my ($self, $hash) = @_; # local variable my ($value); # if 'array' attribute if (defined($value = $hash->{'array'})) { # if reference to a 2-D array if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$value} == grep {ref() eq 'ARRAY'} @{$value}) { # copy array to object and bless $self->[1] = bless(Storable::dclone($value), 'Math::Matrix'); # if reference to a Math::Matrix object } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'Math::Matrix')) { # copy matrix to object $self->[1] = Storable::dclone($value); } else { # wrong data type croak('\'array\' must be a 2-D array reference or Math::Matrix object'); } # for each corner point for my $i (0 .. $#{$self->[1]}) { # for each spectral value for my $j (0 .. $#{$self->[1][$i]}) { # set value to zero, if negative $self->[1][$i][$j] = 0 if ($self->[1][$i][$j] < 0); } } } # if 'delta' attribute if (defined($value = $hash->{'delta'})) { # if reference to a 1-D array (vector) if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' && @{$value} == grep {Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($_)} @{$value}) { # make delta array $self->[2] = [@{$value}]; # if scalar number } elsif (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value)) { # if array is defined if (defined($self->[1])) { # make delta array $self->[2] = [($value) x @{$self->[1][0]}]; } else { # error croak ('array must be defined when specifying delta as a scalar'); } } else { # wrong data type croak('\'delta\' must be a scalar or a 1-D array reference'); } } # update arrays _update_clut_exp($self); } # make new nMIX object from ICC::Support::Chart object # chart must contain device values and, spectral or XYZ values # copies corner points into clut array, warns if corner point(s) missing # parameters: (ref_to_object, ref_to_chart, [columns]) sub _new_from_chart { # get parameters my ($self, $chart, $cols) = @_; # local variables my ($dev, $fmt, $devc, $cs); # verify chart has device values ($dev = $chart->device()) || croak('chart must have device values'); # verify clut column slice is defined (defined($cols) || ($cols = $chart->spectral() || $chart->xyz())) || croak('clut data slice is undefined'); # get format keys $fmt = $chart->fmt_keys($cols); # verify spectral or XYZ data ((@{$fmt} == grep {m/^(?:(.*)\|)?(?:nm|SPECTRAL_NM_|SPECTRAL_NM|SPECTRAL_|NM_|R_)\d{3}$/} @{$fmt}) || (3 == grep {m/^(?:(.*)\|)?XYZ_[XYZ]$/} @{$fmt})) || warn('clut data neither spectral nor XYZ'); # for each corner point for my $i (0 .. 2**@{$dev} - 1) { # for each device channel for my $j (0 .. $#{$dev}) { # get device value $devc->[$j] = $i >> $j & 1; } # get corner point samples ($cs = $chart->ramp(sub {@{$devc} == grep {$devc->[$_] == $_[$_]} (0 .. $#{$devc})})) || croak("no chart samples for corner point [@{$devc}]\n"); # save clut vector $self->[1][$i] = $chart->slice($chart->add_avg($cs), $cols)->[0]; # discard avg sample pop(@{$chart->array()}); # for each spectral value for my $j (0 .. $#{$self->[1][$i]}) { # if value is negative if ($self->[1][$i][$j] < 0) { # set value to zero $self->[1][$i][$j] = 0; # print warning print "clut value [$i][$j] was negative, set to 0\n"; } } } # bless clut bless($self->[1], 'Math::Matrix'); } 1;