=head1 NAME

Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator::alignment -- Alignment aggregator


  use Bio::DB::GFF;

  # Open the sequence database
  my $db      = Bio::DB::GFF->new( -adaptor => 'dbi:mysql',
                                   -dsn     => 'dbi:mysql:elegans42',
				   -aggregator => ['alignment'],


Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator::alignment is one of the default aggregators,
and was written to be compatible with the C elegans GFF files.  It
aggregates raw "similarity" features into composite features of type
"alignment".  A better name for this class might be


package Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator::alignment;

use strict;

use Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator;
use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);

@ISA = qw(Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator);
$VERSION = '0.15';

=head2 aggregate

 Title   : aggregate
 Usage   : $features = $a->aggregate($features,$factory)
 Function: aggregate a feature list into composite features
 Returns : an array reference containing modified features
 Args    : see L<Bio::DB::GFF::Aggregator>
 Status  : Public

Because of the large number of similarity features, the aggregate()
method is overridden in order to perform some optimizations.


# we look for features of type Sequence and add them to a pseudotype transcript
sub aggregate {
  my $self = shift;
  my $features = shift;
  my $factory  = shift;

  my $matchsub = $self->match_sub($factory) or return;
  my $passthru = $self->passthru_sub($factory);
  my $method   = $self->get_method;

  my (%alignments,%targets,@result);

  warn "running aligner aggregator" if $factory->debug;
  for my $feature (@$features) {

    if ($matchsub->($feature)) {

      my $group  = $feature->{group};
      my $source = $feature->source;
      unless (exists $alignments{$group,$source}) {
	my $type = Bio::DB::GFF::Typename->new($method,$source);
	my $f = $feature->clone;
	# this is a violation of OO encapsulation, but need to do it this way
	# to achieve desired performance
	@{$f}{qw(type score phase)} = ($type,undef,undef);

	$alignments{$group,$source} = $f or next;

      my $main = $alignments{$group,$source};
      push @result,$feature if $passthru && $passthru->($feature);
    } else {
      push @result,$feature;

  warn "running aligner adjuster" if $factory->debug;
  for my $alignment (values %alignments) {
    push @result,$alignment;
  warn "aligner done" if $factory->debug;
  @$features = @result;

=head2 method

 Title   : method
 Usage   : $aggregator->method
 Function: return the method for the composite object
 Returns : the string "alignment"
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public


sub method { 'alignment' }

=head2 part_names

 Title   : part_names
 Usage   : $aggregator->part_names
 Function: return the methods for the sub-parts
 Returns : the list ("similarity")
 Args    : none
 Status  : Public


sub part_names {
  my $self = shift;
  return qw(similarity);
