Revision history for Perl extension SGML::Parser::OpenSP.

0.991  Thu Dec  6 07:25:00 2007
	- added 20passfd.t, 21parsestring.t, 22mwarnings.t
	- multi-arg options no longer have the last arg ignored
	  Added note to the README file about -dev packages.

0.99  Wed Aug 30 17:00:00 2006
	- fixed a bug in how parse_string handles encodings
	- added parse_string tests
	- added parse_string documentation
	- added parse_string and pass_file_descriptor option
	- fixed a bug in handling warnings(qw/multiple args/)
	- added more sanity checks to typemap
	- added tests using Pod::Test, fixed found issues.
	- added tests using Pod::Test::Coverage, fixed found issues.

0.98  Sat Oct 02 01:19:04 2004
	- added more split_message tests
	- fixed remaining typemap flaws
	- added description for ::Tools POD
	- better headings in OpenSP POD
	- added documentation for p->split_message
	- updated README to mention PPMs
	- optimized UTF-32 transcoder
	- improved performance through PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT
	- major memory management improvements
	- fixed 0.02 release date in CHANGES
	- updated map_catalog_document documentation
	- updated restrict_file_reading documentation
	- included -wxml warnings in the POD

0.02  Wed Sep 22 22:22:22 2004
	- complete rewrite; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-A -O -c -n SGML::Parser::OpenSP --skip-ppport --skip-exporter -v 0.02 -b 5.8.0

0.01  Mon Mar 17 00:57:04 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-A -n SGML::Parser::OpenSP