Revision history for Perl extension Win32::MultiLanguage.

0.04  Sun Oct  3 08:00:00 2004
	- added documentation for GetCodePageInfo constants
	- added constants for GetCodePageInfo
	- added GetCodePageInfo (lacks documentation)
	- major code cleanup

0.03  Sun Oct  3 03:00:00 2004
	- fixed memory leak
	- changed max number of code pages to 32
	- static memory allocation for detected codepages
	- added GetRfc1766FromLcid (lacks documentation)

0.02  Sat Oct  2 23:19:20 2004
	- removed debug warn() on read bytes

0.01  Sat Oct  2 20:33:20 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-A -O -c -n Win32::MultiLanguage --skip-ppport --skip-exporter -v 0.01 -b 5.8.0