Revision history for Perl module 'Gzip::Faster'

0.15_02 2016-12-09

* Add deflate, inflate, deflate_raw, inflate_raw methods
* Experimental new/zip/unzip/copy_perl_flags methods

0.15 2016-12-07

* Test for zlib in Makefile.PL

0.14 2015-11-06
* Remove dependence on Devel::CheckLib from distribution

0.13 2015-10-20
* Minor speed improvement for short strings
* Better documentation of benchmarks

0.12 2015-09-27

* Update of benchmarks
* Clearer documentation in the INSTALLATION section

0.11 2015-09-19

* Avoid build errors on 64 bit systems (unsigned int -> STRLEN)

0.10 2014-08-30

* Installation notes in main document
* Change minimum Perl version to 5.8.1.

0.09 2014-08-16

* Include Compress::Raw::Zlib in benchmarks.
* Document lack of safety features in gzip.
* Add "ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS" section to documentation.

0.08 2014-04-22

* New function "gzip_to_file" (write data to file in gzipped format).

0.07 2014-04-21

* Better documentation

0.06 2014-04-21

* Documentation of gzip_file/gunzip_file
* Load time benchmark

0.05 2014-04-21

* Correct handling of Z_BUF_ERROR

0.04 2014-04-19

* Add a check to "Makefile.PL" that zlib is present.
* "gzip_file" and "gunzip_file" added.
* Clearer documentation of module's intended purpose.

0.03 2014-04-18

* Build script cleanup

0.02 2014-04-18

* Documentation, benchmark.
* Provisional support for UTF-8 encoding / decoding but regretably
  this had to be commented out due to tripping a bug in FireFox.

0.01 2014-04-18

* Initial release