Revision history for CPAN module Image::PNG::QRCode
0.09 2017-06-28
* Delete Devel::CheckLib & use own detection for libpng
0.08 2017-06-25
* Build cleanup and documentation links
0.07 2017-02-06
* Crash if output is discarded is now fixed
* New example and better documentation
* Warnings if return value is discarded or used twice
0.06 2017-02-04
* Return size of image to user with size option
* Improve documentation (diagnostics, examples, etc.)
0.05 2015-09-05
* Better comments and attribution in source files and documentation
0.04 2015-09-05
* Remove link to defunct URL from documentation
0.03 2014-05-27
* Fixes bug when using return values
* Documentation improved.
0.02 2014-04-23
* Fixes memory/file write bugs on Microsoft Windows
0.01 2014-04-17
* Initial release