Revision history for perl module Image::SVG::Path

0.12 2013-12-06

* Minor fixes

0.11 2013-12-06

* Add parsing of exponential format
* Add M followed by implicit linetos

0.10 2013-12-05

* Fix bug with "l" format.

0.09 2013-11-27

* Added "See also" section on Marpa-based module.
* Fix "Changes" to conform to CPAN::Changes::Spec.

0.08 2013-06-04

* Adds the "z" element.

0.07 2012-04-22

0.06 2011-07-22

* "reverse" is now "reverse_path".
* Exports "create_path_string".

0.05 2011-07-14

* Change for old versions of Perl (not "use parent Exporter").

0.04 2011-07-12

0.03 2011-06-05

* Added all the different commands to the regex.

0.02 2011-04-02

0.01 2011-04-01