Revision history for perl module Lingua::EN::ABC

0.10 2018-09-26

* Plurals ending in s also changed

0.09 2018-09-26

* Some words removed from "same pronunciation, different spelling" category
* New words "mould*", "colour*", "vapouris*"
* Ambiguous words rejected in spelling-only changes (check/cheque)

0.08 2018-09-09

* Add "spelling-only" option
* Remove lasagne/lasagna entry - seems to have been an error
* Remove unused $c_re

0.07 2017-07-31

* Simpler method of conversion
* Depends on Convert::Moji
* overly/over added

0.06 2016-08-31

* Documentation updates
* More words added

0.05 2015-11-07

* More words added
* POD table added to distribution
* Bug fix where American and British ambiguous words not recorded fixed

0.04 2015-11-07

* Improve documentation, change build process slightly.
* Simple script econv is now installed and documented.

0.03 2014-01-25

* Add "README", minimum Perl version.

0.02 2013-11-28

* Add "Changes"
* Add "script/econv", a command-line program to convert Englishes.

0.01 2013-03-16