Revision history for perl module Lingua::JA::Moji
* Add squared katakana / katakana conversion
0.29 2013-11-03
* Don't allow 'je', 'che', 'rr', 'yy', 'thya', 'thi', 'yi' in
* Fix bug 'WHO' allowed in 'is_romaji_strict'.
* Remove 'thy' from possible romaji inputs.
* Add 'wo' option for "kana2romaji".
* Add 'ime' option for "romaji2kana" and "romaji2hiragana".
0.28 2013-10-23
* Fix bug "ttsu" not converted to "ッツ" in "romaji2kana".
* More romaji constructions like nyi, nye, etc. in "romaji2kana".
* Disallow "wi" in "is_romaji_strict".
0.27 2013-10-14
* Romaji to kana for hyi, hye, fya, fye, fyi, fyo, fyu, dyi, dye.
* New function "is_romaji_strict", detects Japanese romanized words.
0.26 2013-09-20
0.25 2013-08-17
* Documentation rewrites
* Correct name in Makefile.PL
0.24 2013-03-06
* New function "katakana2syllable", breaks Japanese into syllables.
0.23 2012-09-16
* Bug fixes
0.22 2012-07-21
* Cleanup of distribution (remove unneeded files).
0.21 2012-07-18
* Bug fixes
* Improved tests
0.20 2012-05-29
0.19 2012-05-23
0.18 2012-05-23
0.17 2012-05-15
0.16 2012-05-15
0.15 2012-05-10
0.14 2012-04-16
0.13 2012-04-16
0.12 2012-04-16
0.11 2012-04-13
0.10 2011-11-06
0.09 2011-11-04
0.08 2011-06-12
0.07 2011-06-08
0.06 2011-06-08
0.05 2011-02-05
0.04 2010-12-16
0.03 2010-10-26
0.02 2010-10-15