Revision history for perl module Unicode::Diacritic::Strip

0.12 2019-10-21

* fast_strip now based on hash, not tr, due to conflict with Perl 30

0.11 2018-09-10

* Most of Unicode from 0x1e00 to 0x1eff added to fast_strip

0.10 2017-10-08

* Documentation

0.09 2017-04-05

* Expanded SEE ALSO section

0.08 2017-02-28

* Fix bad repo link in Makefile.PL
* New function strip_alphabet (was Unicode::StripDiacritics)

0.07 2017-02-28

* Export tag ":all"
* More tests
* Added "fast_strip" function.

0.06 2016-03-07

* Minor changes

0.05 2014-02-06

* Add MIN_PERL_VERSION in Makefile.PL.

0.04 2014-01-17

* Add Changelog, README
* Restored to CPAN by popular demand

0.03 2012-07-03

0.02 2012-05-31

0.01 2012-04-29