Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader

0.02003 Sun Feb 19 20:42:01 UTC 2006
        - Deprecated arguments: dsn, user, password, options
        - New argument: connect_info

0.02002 Sat Feb 18 19:53:12 UTC 2006
        - Added moniker_map and inflect_map

0.02001 Fri Feb 17 20:25:40 UTC 2006
        - tests fixed up a bit
        - auto-loading of on-disk class definitions layered on top
          of the generated definitions (create Foo::Schema::Bar, then
          also try to ->require it if it exists on disk).
        - new parameters components and resultset_components, which do
          the obvious for the generated table classes.
        - DBIx::Class pre-req bumped to 0.05006, since Schema::Loader
          is virtually gauranteed to cause subtle mod_perl problems
          without those fixes.

0.02000 Sun Feb 12 22:43:47 UTC 2006
        - Just docs/version update, 0.01004 code released as 0.02000

0.01004 Tue Feb  7 03:58:01 UTC 2006
        - No longer tries to parse out the table name from the dsn for mysql,
          was unneccesary vestigial code from previous method.

0.01003 Mon Feb  6 14:57:56 UTC 2006
        - Fixed the has_many side of _make_cond_rel

0.01002 Fri Feb  3 23:14:38 UTC 2006
        - Email address typo :(

0.01001 Fri Feb  3 05:15:41 UTC 2006
        - Fixed up some documentation issues
        - Load C3 at the right time

0.01  Fri Feb  3 01:53:46 UTC 2006
        - original release
        - created from DBIx::Class::Loader 0.14