package App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString; # ABSTRACT: CLI query string fixer use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '5.9'; # VERSION use App::ElasticSearch::Utilities qw(:config); use App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Query; use CLI::Helpers qw(:output); use Module::Pluggable::Object; use Moo; use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref); use Types::Standard qw(ArrayRef Enum); use namespace::autoclean; my %JOINING = map { $_ => 1 } qw( AND OR ); my %TRAILING = map { $_ => 1 } qw( AND OR NOT ); has 'context' => ( is => 'rw', isa => Enum[qw(query filter)], lazy => 1, default => sub { 'query' }, ); has search_path => ( is => 'rw', isa => ArrayRef, default => sub {[]}, ); has default_join => ( is => 'rw', isa => Enum[qw(AND OR)], default => sub { 'AND' }, ); has plugins => ( is => 'ro', isa => ArrayRef, builder => '_build_plugins', lazy => 1, ); sub expand_query_string { my $self = shift; my $query = App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Query->new(); my @processed = (); TOKEN: foreach my $token (@_) { foreach my $p (@{ $self->plugins }) { my $res = $p->handle_token($token); if( defined $res ) { push @processed, is_arrayref($res) ? @{$res} : $res; next TOKEN; } } push @processed, { query_string => $token }; } debug({color=>"magenta"}, "Processed parts"); debug_var({color=>"magenta"},\@processed); my $context = $self->context eq 'query' ? 'must' : 'filter'; my $invert=0; my @dangling=(); my @qs=(); foreach my $part (@processed) { if( exists $part->{dangles} ) { push @dangling, $part->{query_string}; } elsif( exists $part->{query_string} ) { push @qs, @dangling, $part->{query_string}; @dangling=(), } elsif( exists $part->{condition} ) { my $target = $invert ? 'must_not' : $context; $query->add_bool( $target => $part->{condition} ); @dangling=(); } elsif( exists $part->{nested} ) { $query->nested($part->{nested}{query}); $query->nested_path($part->{nested}{path}); @dangling=(); } # Carry over the Inversion for instance where we jump out of the QS $invert = exists $part->{invert} && $part->{invert}; } if(@qs) { pop @qs while @qs && exists $TRAILING{$qs[-1]}; shift @qs while @qs && exists $JOINING{$qs[0]}; # Ensure there's a joining token, otherwise use our default if( @qs > 1 ) { my $prev_query = 0; my @joined = (); foreach my $part ( @qs ) { if( $prev_query ) { push @joined, $self->default_join() unless exists $JOINING{$part}; } push @joined, $part; # Here we include AND, NOT, OR $prev_query = exists $TRAILING{$part} ? 0 : 1; } @qs = @joined; } } # $query->add_aggregation(); $query->add_bool($context => { query_string => { query => join(' ', @qs) } }) if @qs; return $query; } # Builder Routines for QS Objects sub _build_plugins { my $self = shift; my $globals = es_globals('plugins'); my $finder = Module::Pluggable::Object->new( search_path => ['App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString',@{ $self->search_path }], except => [qw(App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::Plugin)], instantiate => 'new', ); my @plugins; foreach my $p ( sort { $a->priority <=> $b->priority || $a->name cmp $b->name } $finder->plugins( options => defined $globals ? $globals : {} ) ) { debug(sprintf "Loaded %s with priority:%d", $p->name, $p->priority); push @plugins, $p; } return \@plugins; } # Return true 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString - CLI query string fixer =head1 VERSION version 5.9 =head1 SYNOPSIS This class provides a pluggable architecture to expand query strings on the command-line into complex Elasticsearch queries. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 context Defaults to 'query', but can also be set to 'filter' so the elements will be added to the 'must' or 'filter' parameter. =head2 search_path An array reference of additional namespaces to search for loading the query string processing plugins. Example: $qs->search_path([qw(My::Company::QueryString)]); This will search: App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::* My::Company::QueryString::* For query processing plugins. =head2 default_join When fixing up the query string, if two tokens are found next to eachother missing a joining token, join using this token. Can be either C<AND> or C<OR>, and defaults to C<AND>. =head2 plugins Array reference of ordered query string processing plugins, lazily assembled. =head1 METHODS =head2 expand_query_string(@tokens) This function takes a list of tokens, often from the command line via @ARGV. Uses a plugin infrastructure to allow customization. Returns: L<App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Query> object =head1 TOKENS The token expansion plugins can return undefined, which is basically a noop on the token. The plugin can return a hash reference, which marks that token as handled and no other plugins receive that token. The hash reference may contain: =over 2 =item query_string This is the rewritten bits that will be reassembled in to the final query string. =item condition This is usually a hash reference representing the condition going into the bool query. For instance: { terms => { field => [qw(alice bob charlie)] } } Or { prefix => { user_agent => 'Go ' } } These conditions will wind up in the B<must> or B<must_not> section of the B<bool> query depending on the state of the the invert flag. =item invert This is used by the bareword "not" to track whether the token invoked a flip from the B<must> to the B<must_not> state. After each token is processed, if it didn't set this flag, the flag is reset. =item dangles This is used for bare words like "not", "or", and "and" to denote that these terms cannot dangle from the beginning or end of the query_string. This allows the final pass of the query_string builder to strip these words to prevent syntax errors. =back =head1 Extended Syntax The search string is pre-analyzed before being sent to ElasticSearch. The following plugins work to manipulate the query string and provide richer, more complete syntax for CLI applications. =head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Barewords The following barewords are transformed: or => OR and => AND not => NOT =head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::IP If a field is an IP address uses CIDR Notation, it's expanded to a range query. src_ip:10.0/8 => src_ip:[ TO] =head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Range This plugin translates some special comparison operators so you don't need to remember them anymore. Example: price:<100 Will translate into a: { range: { price: { lt: 100 } } } And: price:>50,<100 Will translate to: { range: { price: { gt: 50, lt: 100 } } } =head3 Supported Operators B<gt> via E<gt>, B<gte> via E<gt>=, B<lt> via E<lt>, B<lte> via E<lt>= =head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Underscored This plugin translates some special underscore surrounded tokens into the Elasticsearch Query DSL. Implemented: =head3 _prefix_ Example query string: _prefix_:useragent:'Go ' Translates into: { prefix => { useragent => 'Go ' } } =head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::FileExpansion If the match ends in .dat, .txt, or .csv, then we attempt to read a file with that name and OR the condition: $ cat test.dat 50 40 30 20 Or $ cat test.csv 50, 40, 30, 20, Or $ cat test.txt We can source that file: src_ip:test.dat => src_ip:( This make it simple to use the --data-file output options and build queries based off previous queries. For .txt and .dat file, the delimiter for columns in the file must be either a tab, comma, or a semicolon. For files ending in .csv, Text::CSV_XS is used to accurate parsing of the file format. You can also specify the column of the data file to use, the default being the last column or (-1). Columns are B<zero-based> indexing. This means the first column is index 0, second is 1, .. The previous example can be rewritten as: src_ip:test.dat[1] or: src_ip:test.dat[-1] This option will iterate through the whole file and unique the elements of the list. They will then be transformed into an appropriate L<terms query|>. =head1 AUTHOR Brad Lhotsky <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Brad Lhotsky. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License =cut