package App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString;
# ABSTRACT: CLI query string fixer

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '5.9'; # VERSION

use App::ElasticSearch::Utilities qw(:config);
use App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Query;
use CLI::Helpers qw(:output);
use Module::Pluggable::Object;
use Moo;
use Ref::Util qw(is_arrayref);
use Types::Standard qw(ArrayRef Enum);

use namespace::autoclean;

my %JOINING  = map { $_ => 1 } qw( AND OR );
my %TRAILING = map { $_ => 1 } qw( AND OR NOT );

has 'context' => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => Enum[qw(query filter)],
    lazy    => 1,
    default => sub { 'query' },

has search_path => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => ArrayRef,
    default => sub {[]},

has default_join => (
    is      => 'rw',
    isa     => Enum[qw(AND OR)],
    default => sub { 'AND' },

has plugins => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => ArrayRef,
    builder => '_build_plugins',
    lazy    => 1,

sub expand_query_string {
    my $self = shift;

    my $query  = App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Query->new();
    my @processed = ();
    TOKEN: foreach my $token (@_) {
        foreach my $p (@{ $self->plugins }) {
            my $res = $p->handle_token($token);
            if( defined $res ) {
                push @processed, is_arrayref($res) ? @{$res} : $res;
                next TOKEN;
        push @processed, { query_string => $token };

    debug({color=>"magenta"}, "Processed parts");

    my $context = $self->context eq 'query' ? 'must' : 'filter';
    my $invert=0;
    my @dangling=();
    my @qs=();
    foreach my $part (@processed) {
        if( exists $part->{dangles} ) {
            push @dangling, $part->{query_string};
        elsif( exists $part->{query_string} ) {
            push @qs, @dangling, $part->{query_string};
        elsif( exists $part->{condition} ) {
            my $target = $invert ? 'must_not' : $context;
            $query->add_bool( $target => $part->{condition} );
        elsif( exists $part->{nested} ) {
        # Carry over the Inversion for instance where we jump out of the QS
        $invert = exists $part->{invert} && $part->{invert};
    if(@qs)  {
        pop   @qs while @qs && exists $TRAILING{$qs[-1]};
        shift @qs while @qs && exists $JOINING{$qs[0]};

        # Ensure there's a joining token, otherwise use our default
        if( @qs > 1 ) {
            my $prev_query = 0;
            my @joined = ();
            foreach my $part ( @qs ) {
                if( $prev_query ) {
                    push @joined, $self->default_join() unless exists $JOINING{$part};
                push @joined, $part;
                # Here we include AND, NOT, OR
                $prev_query = exists $TRAILING{$part} ? 0 : 1;
            @qs = @joined;
    # $query->add_aggregation();
    $query->add_bool($context => { query_string => { query => join(' ', @qs) } }) if @qs;

    return $query;

# Builder Routines for QS Objects
sub _build_plugins {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $globals = es_globals('plugins');
    my $finder = Module::Pluggable::Object->new(
        search_path => ['App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString',@{ $self->search_path }],
        except      => [qw(App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::Plugin)],
        instantiate => 'new',
    my @plugins;
    foreach my $p ( sort { $a->priority <=> $b->priority || $a->name cmp $b->name }
        $finder->plugins( options => defined $globals ? $globals : {} )
    ) {
        debug(sprintf "Loaded %s with priority:%d", $p->name, $p->priority);
        push @plugins, $p;
    return \@plugins;

# Return true



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString - CLI query string fixer

=head1 VERSION

version 5.9


This class provides a pluggable architecture to expand query strings on the
command-line into complex Elasticsearch queries.


=head2 context

Defaults to 'query', but can also be set to 'filter' so the elements will be
added to the 'must' or 'filter' parameter.

=head2 search_path

An array reference of additional namespaces to search for loading the query string
processing plugins.  Example:


This will search:


For query processing plugins.

=head2 default_join

When fixing up the query string, if two tokens are found next to eachother
missing a joining token, join using this token.  Can be either C<AND> or C<OR>,
and defaults to C<AND>.

=head2 plugins

Array reference of ordered query string processing plugins, lazily assembled.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 expand_query_string(@tokens)

This function takes a list of tokens, often from the command line via @ARGV.  Uses
a plugin infrastructure to allow customization.

Returns: L<App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Query> object

=head1 TOKENS

The token expansion plugins can return undefined, which is basically a noop on the token.
The plugin can return a hash reference, which marks that token as handled and no other plugins
receive that token.  The hash reference may contain:

=over 2

=item query_string

This is the rewritten bits that will be reassembled in to the final query string.

=item condition

This is usually a hash reference representing the condition going into the bool query. For instance:

    { terms => { field => [qw(alice bob charlie)] } }


    { prefix => { user_agent => 'Go ' } }

These conditions will wind up in the B<must> or B<must_not> section of the B<bool> query depending on the
state of the the invert flag.

=item invert

This is used by the bareword "not" to track whether the token invoked a flip from the B<must> to the B<must_not>
state.  After each token is processed, if it didn't set this flag, the flag is reset.

=item dangles

This is used for bare words like "not", "or", and "and" to denote that these terms cannot dangle from the
beginning or end of the query_string.  This allows the final pass of the query_string builder to strip these
words to prevent syntax errors.


=head1 Extended Syntax

The search string is pre-analyzed before being sent to ElasticSearch.  The following plugins
work to manipulate the query string and provide richer, more complete syntax for CLI applications.

=head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Barewords

The following barewords are transformed:

    or => OR
    and => AND
    not => NOT

=head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::IP

If a field is an IP address uses CIDR Notation, it's expanded to a range query.

    src_ip:10.0/8 => src_ip:[ TO]

=head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Range

This plugin translates some special comparison operators so you don't need to
remember them anymore.



Will translate into a:

    { range: { price: { lt: 100 } } }



Will translate to:

    { range: { price: { gt: 50, lt: 100 } } }

=head3 Supported Operators

B<gt> via E<gt>, B<gte> via E<gt>=, B<lt> via E<lt>, B<lte> via E<lt>=

=head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Underscored

This plugin translates some special underscore surrounded tokens into
the Elasticsearch Query DSL.


=head3 _prefix_

Example query string:

    _prefix_:useragent:'Go '

Translates into:

    { prefix => { useragent => 'Go ' } }

=head2 App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::QueryString::FileExpansion

If the match ends in .dat, .txt, or .csv, then we attempt to read a file with that name and OR the condition:

    $ cat test.dat


    $ cat test.csv


    $ cat test.txt

We can source that file:

    src_ip:test.dat => src_ip:(

This make it simple to use the --data-file output options and build queries
based off previous queries. For .txt and .dat file, the delimiter for columns
in the file must be either a tab, comma, or a semicolon.  For files ending in
.csv, Text::CSV_XS is used to accurate parsing of the file format.

You can also specify the column of the data file to use, the default being the last column or (-1).  Columns are
B<zero-based> indexing. This means the first column is index 0, second is 1, ..  The previous example can be rewritten



This option will iterate through the whole file and unique the elements of the list.  They will then be transformed into
an appropriate L<terms query|>.

=head1 AUTHOR

Brad Lhotsky <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2012 by Brad Lhotsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

  The (three-clause) BSD License
