#!perl # PODNAME: es-alias-manager.pl # ABSTRACT: Allow easy alias management for daily indexes use strict; use warnings; use DateTime; use YAML; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case no_ignore_case_always); use Pod::Usage; use CLI::Helpers qw(:all); use App::ElasticSearch::Utilities qw(:default); #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Argument Collection my %opt; GetOptions(\%opt, 'all', 'config=s', 'skip=s', # Basic options 'help|h', 'manual|m', ); #------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Documentations! pod2usage(1) if $opt{help}; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $opt{manual}; my %actions = ( add => 'Create any missing aliases', remove => 'Remove any aliases not in the desired set', ); # We might skip one thing or another if( exists $opt{skip} && !exists $actions{$opt{skip}} ) { output({color=>'red',sticky=>1}, "Invalid action to skip: $opt{skip}"); output({clear=>1},"Valid actions to skip are:"); output({indent=>1}, sprintf "%s - %s", $_, $actions{$_}) for sort keys %actions; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 1); } my %CFG = ( config => '/etc/elasticsearch/aliases.yml', ); # Extract from our options if we've overridden defaults foreach my $setting (keys %CFG) { $CFG{$setting} = $opt{$setting} if exists $opt{$setting} and defined $opt{$setting}; } if ( !exists $CFG{config} and ! -f $CFG{config} ) { pod2usage(1); } my $ALIAS = YAML::LoadFile( $CFG{config} ) or die "unable to read $CFG{config}"; # Create the target uri for the ES Cluster my $TARGET = exists $opt{host} && defined $opt{host} ? $opt{host} : 'localhost'; # Grab a connection to ElasticSearch my $es = es_connect(); # Delete Indexes older than a certain point my $TODAY = DateTime->now()->truncate( to => 'day' ); my $indices = es_request('_aliases'); if ( !defined $indices ) { output({color=>"red"}, "Unable to locate indices by get_aliases()!"); exit 1; } debug_var($indices); my %PARTS = ( DATE => { RE => '(?<year>\d{4})[.\-](?<month>\d{2})[.\-](?<day>\d{2})', FMT => join('.', '%Y', '%m', '%d'), }, PERIOD => { FMT => '%s', } ); foreach my $base (keys %{ $ALIAS }) { my $re = $ALIAS->{$base}{pattern}; $re =~ s/[^\w{}*?-]+//g; # Wildcards $re =~ s/\*+/.\+/g; $re =~ s/\?/./g; # Varaibles $re =~ s/\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/$PARTS{$1}->{RE}/g; $ALIAS->{$base}{re} = qr/$re/; # Setup Formatting if (exists $ALIAS->{$base}{daily}) { $ALIAS->{$base}{daily} =~ s/\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/$PARTS{$1}->{FMT}/g; } if (exists $ALIAS->{$base}{relative}) { $ALIAS->{$base}{relative}{alias} =~ s/\{\{([^\}]+)\}\}/$PARTS{$1}->{FMT}/g; while( my ($period,$def) = each %{ $ALIAS->{$base}{relative}{periods} }) { my %dt = ( to => $TODAY->clone(), from => exists $def->{from} ? $TODAY->clone() : DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => 0)->truncate( to => 'day'), ); debug("Period[$period] subtracting: "); debug_var($def); foreach my $d (keys %dt) { if ( exists $def->{$d} ) { $dt{$d}->subtract( %{ $def->{$d}} ); debug("$period $d " . $dt{$d}->ymd); } } $ALIAS->{$base}{relative}{periods}{$period} = \%dt; } } } debug("Aliases being applied:"); debug_var($ALIAS); # Loop through the indices and take appropriate actions; foreach my $index (sort keys %{ $indices }) { debug("$index being evaluated"); my %current = %{ $indices->{$index}{aliases}}; my $managed = 0; my %desired = (); while( my($name,$map) = each %{ $ALIAS }) { if ($index =~ /$map->{re}/) { $managed++; my $idx_dt = DateTime->new( map { $_ => $+{$_} } qw(year month day) ); verbose("$index is a $name index."); if ( exists $map->{daily} ) { my $daily = $idx_dt->strftime($map->{daily}); $desired{$daily} = 1; } if ( exists $map->{relative} ) { while (my ($period,$def) = each %{ $map->{relative}{periods} }) { debug(sprintf("Checking index date (%s) is between %s and %s", $idx_dt->ymd, $def->{from}->ymd, $def->{to}->ymd, )); if( $idx_dt <= $def->{to} && $idx_dt >= $def->{from} ) { my $alias = sprintf( $map->{relative}{alias}, $period ); $desired{$alias} = 1; } } } } } my @updates = (); my %checks = map { $_ => 1 } keys(%desired),keys(%current); if( $managed ) { foreach my $alias (keys %checks) { if( exists $desired{$alias} && exists $current{$alias} ) { next; } my $action = exists $desired{$alias} ? 'add' : 'remove'; push @updates, { $action => { index => $index, alias => $alias} }; # Do we skip an add or remove? next if exists $opt{skip} && $action eq $opt{skip}; verbose({color=>'cyan'}, "$index: $action alias '$alias'"); } } debug({color=>'magenta'}, "Aliases for $index : " . join(',', keys %desired) ); if( @updates ) { eval { es_request('_aliases', { method => 'POST' }, { actions => \@updates }); output({color=>'green'}, "Updates applied for $index : " . join(',', keys %desired) ); }; if( my $err = $@ ){ output({color=>'red'}, " + Failed to set aliases for $index\n", $err); } } } __END__ =pod =head1 NAME es-alias-manager.pl - Allow easy alias management for daily indexes =head1 VERSION version 6.8 =head1 SYNOPSIS es-alias-manager.pl --local --config /etc/elasticsearch/aliases.yml Options: --help print help --manual print full manual --config Location of Config File, default /etc/elasticsearch/aliases.yml --skip Action name to be skipped, 'add' or 'remove', default none From App::ElasticSearch::Utilities: --local Use localhost as the elasticsearch host --host ElasticSearch host to connect to --port HTTP port for your cluster --proto Defaults to 'http', can also be 'https' --http-username HTTP Basic Auth username --http-password HTTP Basic Auth password (if not specified, and --http-user is, you will be prompted) --password-exec Script to run to get the users password --noop Any operations other than GET are disabled, can be negated with --no-noop --timeout Timeout to ElasticSearch, default 30 --keep-proxy Do not remove any proxy settings from %ENV --index Index to run commands against --base For daily indexes, reference only those starting with "logstash" (same as --pattern logstash-* or logstash-DATE) --datesep Date separator, default '.' also (--date-separator) --pattern Use a pattern to operate on the indexes --days If using a pattern or base, how many days back to go, default: 1 See also the "CONNECTION ARGUMENTS" and "INDEX SELECTION ARGUMENTS" sections from App::ElasticSearch::Utilities. From CLI::Helpers: --data-file Path to a file to write lines tagged with 'data => 1' --color Boolean, enable/disable color, default use git settings --verbose Incremental, increase verbosity (Alias is -v) --debug Show developer output --debug-class Show debug messages originating from a specific package, default: main --quiet Show no output (for cron) --syslog Generate messages to syslog as well --syslog-facility Default "local0" --syslog-tag The program name, default is the script name --syslog-debug Enable debug messages to syslog if in use, default false =head1 DESCRIPTION This script assists in maintaining the aliases for relative or daily indexes across multiple datacenters. Use with cron: 22 4 * * * es-alias-manager.pl --local --config /etc/elasticsearch/aliases.yml This will allow you to split your cluster between datacenters (or whatever) and alias the split clusters to a homogenous index that standard LogStash/Kibana interfaces will understand. If I create the following in /etc/elasticsearch/aliases.yml --- logstash: pattern: \*-logstash-{{DATE}} daily: logstash-{{DATE}} relative: alias: logstash-{{PERIOD}} periods: today: from: days: 0 to: days: 0 lastweek: from: days: 14 to: days: 7 Assuming today is the 2013.07.18 and I have 3 datacenters (IAD, NYC, AMS) with the following indices: iad-logstash-2013.07.17 iad-logstash-2013.07.18 nyc-logstash-2013.07.17 nyc-logstash-2013.07.18 ams-logstash-2013.07.17 ams-logstash-2013.07.18 The following aliases would be created logstash-2013.07.17 |- iad-logstash-2013.07.17 |- nyc-logstash-2013.07.17 `- ams-logstash-2013.07.17 logstash-2013.07.18 |- iad-logstash-2013.07.18 |- nyc-logstash-2013.07.18 `- ams-logstash-2013.07.18 logstash-today |- iad-logstash-2013.07.18 |- nyc-logstash-2013.07.18 `- ams-logstash-2013.07.18 This lets you use index templates and the index.routing.allocation to isolate data by datacenter or another parameter to certain nodes while allowing all the nodes to work together as cleanly as possible. This also facilitates the default expectations of Kibana to have a single index per day when you may need more. =head2 PATTERN VARIABLES Patterns are used to match an index to the aliases it should have. A few symbols are expanded into regular expressions. Those patterns are: The '*' expands to match any number of any characters. The '?' expands to match any single character. {{DATE}} expands to match YYYY.MM.DD, YYYY-MM-DD, or YYYYMMDD =head2 ALIAS VARIABLES For daily indices, the following variables are available: {{DATE}} - Expands to YYYY.MM.DD for the current day of the current index For relative period indices, the following variable is B<required>. {{PERIOD}} - Name of the period =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<config> Location of the config file, default is /etc/elasticsearch/aliases.yml =item B<skip> Optionally skip a phase of alias management, valid phases are: add, remove =back =head1 AUTHOR Brad Lhotsky <brad@divisionbyzero.net> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2019 by Brad Lhotsky. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License =cut