package App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Aggregations; # ABSTRACT: Code to simplify creating and working with Elasticsearch aggregations use strict; use warnings; use Storable qw(dclone); use Sub::Exporter -setup => { exports => [ qw( expand_aggregate_string es_flatten_aggregations es_flatten_aggs is_single_stat )], groups => { default => [qw( expand_aggregate_string es_flatten_aggregations es_flatten_aggs is_single_stat )], }, }; my %Aggregations; $Aggregations{terms} = { params => sub { $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? { size => $_[0] } : {} }, type => 'bucket', composite => 1, }; $Aggregations{significant_terms} = { params => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? { size => $_[0] } : {} }, type => 'bucket', }; $Aggregations{rare_terms} = { params => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? { max_doc_count => $_[0] } : {} }, type => 'bucket', }; $Aggregations{histogram} = { params => sub { return unless $_[0] > 0; return { interval => $_[0] }; }, type => 'bucket', composite => 1, }; $Aggregations{date_histogram} = { params => sub { { calendar_interval => $_[0] || '1h' } }, type => 'bucket', composite => 1, }; $Aggregations{geohash_grid} = { params => sub { $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/ ? { precision => $_[0] } : {} }, type => 'bucket', composite => 1, }; $Aggregations{missing} = { type => 'bucket' }; $Aggregations{avg} = { single_stat => 1, type => 'metric' }; $Aggregations{max} = { single_stat => 1, type => 'metric' }; $Aggregations{min} = { single_stat => 1, type => 'metric' }; $Aggregations{sum} = { single_stat => 1, type => 'metric' }; $Aggregations{cardinality} = { single_stat => 1, type => 'metric' }; $Aggregations{stats} = { type => 'metric' }; $Aggregations{extended_stats} = { type => 'metric' }; $Aggregations{percentiles} = { params => sub { my @pcts = $_[0] ? split /,/, $_[0] : qw(25 50 75 90); return { percents => \@pcts }; }, }; $Aggregations{geo_centroid} = { type => 'metric' }; sub is_single_stat { my ($agg) = @_; return unless $agg; return unless exists $Aggregations{$agg}; return unless exists $Aggregations{$agg}->{single_stat}; return $Aggregations{$agg}->{single_stat}; } sub expand_aggregate_string { my ($token) = @_; my %aggs = (); foreach my $def ( split /\+/, $token ) { my $alias = $def =~ s/^(\w+)=// ? $1 : undef; my @parts = split /:/, $def, 3; if( @parts == 1 ) { $alias ||= $def; $aggs{$alias} = { terms => { field => $def, size => 20 } }; next; } my ($agg, $field); if( exists $Aggregations{$parts[0]} ) { $agg = shift @parts; $field = shift @parts; } else { $agg = 'terms'; $field = shift @parts; } my $params = {}; my $paramStr = shift @parts; if( $paramStr && $paramStr =~ /\w+=/ ) { # split on commas using a positive lookahead for a "word=" foreach my $token (split /,(?=\w+=)/, $paramStr) { my ($k,$v) = split /=/, $token, 2; next unless $k and $v; $params->{$k} = $v =~ /,/ ? [ split /,/, $v ] : $v; } } elsif( exists $Aggregations{$agg}->{params} ) { # Process parameters $params = $Aggregations{$agg}->{params}->($paramStr); } $alias ||= join ".", $agg eq 'terms' ? ($field) : ($agg, $field); $aggs{$alias} = { $agg => { field => $field, %{ $params } } }; } return \%aggs; } sub es_flatten_aggregations { my ($result,$field,$parent) = @_; $parent ||= []; my @rows = (); my @remove = qw( doc_count_error_upper_bound sum_other_doc_count ); my $row = dclone($parent); my $extract = sub { my ($key, $hash) = @_; if( $hash->{value} ) { push @{ $row }, $key, $hash->{value}; } elsif( $hash->{values} ) { foreach my $k ( sort keys %{ $hash->{values} } ) { push @{ $row }, "$key.$k", $hash->{values}{$k} if $hash->{values}{$k}; } } else { foreach my $k (sort keys %{ $hash }) { last if $k eq 'buckets'; push @{ $row }, "$key.$k", $hash->{$k} if defined $hash->{values}{$k}; } } }; if( $field ) { delete $result->{$_} for @remove; if( $result->{key} and exists $result->{doc_count} ) { push @{ $row }, $field, delete $result->{key}; push @{ $row }, "$field.hits", delete $result->{doc_count} || 0; } my %buckets = (); foreach my $k ( sort keys %{ $result } ) { if( ref $result->{$k} eq 'HASH' ) { $extract->($k, $result->{$k}); if( my $buckets = delete $result->{$k}{buckets} ) { $buckets{$k} = $buckets; } } } if( keys %buckets ) { foreach my $k ( sort keys %buckets ) { if( @{ $buckets{$k} } ) { foreach my $bucket ( @{ $buckets{$k} } ) { push @rows, @{ es_flatten_aggregations($bucket, $k, $row) }; } } else { push @rows, $row; } } } else { push @rows, $row; } } else { foreach my $k ( sort keys %{ $result } ) { delete $result->{$k}{$_} for @remove; $extract->($k, $result->{$k}); my $buckets = delete $result->{$k}{buckets}; if( $buckets and @{ $buckets } ) { foreach my $bucket ( @{ $buckets } ) { push @rows, @{ es_flatten_aggregations($bucket,$k,$row) }; } } else { push @rows, $row; } } } return \@rows; } # Setup Aliases *es_flatten_aggs = \&es_flatten_aggregations; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME App::ElasticSearch::Utilities::Aggregations - Code to simplify creating and working with Elasticsearch aggregations =head1 VERSION version 8.2 =head1 FUNCTIONS =head2 is_single_stat() Returns true if an aggregation returns a single value. =head2 expand_aggregate_string( token ) Takes a simplified aggregation grammar and expands it the full aggregation hash. Simple Terms: field_name To { field_name => { terms => { field => 'field_name', size => 20, } } } Alias expansion: alias=field_name To { alias => { terms => { field => 'field_name', size => 20, } } } Parameters: alias=field_name:10 To { alias => { terms => { field => 'field_name', size => 10, } } } Parameters, k/v: alias=field_name:size=13 To { alias => { terms => { field => 'field_name', size => 13, } } } =head2 es_flatten_aggregations() Takes the B<aggregations> section of the query result and parses it into a flat structure so each row contains all the sub aggregation information. It returns an array reference, containing arrray references. The individual rows of the array are ordered in a depth first fashion. The array does include a key for every value, so the array can be cast to a hash safely. =head1 Aggregations List of supported aggregations. Other aggregation may work, but these have defined behavior. =head2 Bucket Aggregations These aggregations will support sub aggregations. =over 2 =item B<terms> The default aggregation if none is specified. field_name terms:field_name Results in { "field_name": { "terms": { "field": "field_name" } } } Supports a positional parameter: size field_name:20 terms:field_name:20 Results in { "field_name": { "terms": { "field": "field_name", "size": 20 } } } =item B<significant_terms> Same as C<terms>. significant_terms:field_name:10 Results in: { "rare_terms.field_name": { "terms": { "field": "field_name", "size": 10 } } } =item B<rare_terms> Same as C<terms> but the positional parameter is the C<max_doc_count>. rare_terms:field_name:10 Results in: { "rare_terms.field_name": { "terms": { "field": "field_name", "max_doc_count": 10 } } } =item B<histogram> Creates a histogram for numeric fields. Positional parameter is the interval. histogram:field_name:10 Results in: { "histogram.field_name": { "histogram": { "field": "field_name", "interval": 10 } } } =item B<date_histogram> Creates a histogram for date fields. Positional parameter is the calendar_interval. date_histogram:field_name:1h Results in: { "histogram.field_name": { "histogram": { "field": "field_name", "calendar_interval": "1h" } } } =item B<geohash_grid> Creates a geohash grid bucket aggregation. Positional parameter is the precision. geohash_grid:field_name:6 Results in: { "geohash_grid.field_name": { "geohash_grid": { "field": "field_name", "precision": 6 } } } =item B<missing> Creates a bucket for documents missing the field. No positional parameters. missing:field_name Results in: { "missing.field_name": { "missing": { "field": "field_name" } } } =back =head2 Metric Aggregations Aggregations that generate metrics from enclosing buckets. =over 2 =item B<avg>, B<max>, B<min>, B<sum> Single stat metric aggregations to generate the various single statistics over the enclosing bucket. sum:field_name Results in { "sum.field_names": { "sum": { "field": "field_name" } } } =item B<cardinality> Computes the unique count of terms in a field. cardinality:field_name Results in { "cardinality.field_names": { "cardinality": { "field": "field_name" } } } =item B<stats> Runs the stats aggregation that returns min, max, avg, sum, and count. stats:field_name Results in { "stats.field_names": { "stats": { "field": "field_name" } } } =item B<extended_stats> Runs the stats aggregation that returns the same data as the C<sum> aggregation plus variance, sum of squares, and standard deviation. extended_stats:field_name Results in { "extended_stats.field_names": { "extended_stats": { "field": "field_name" } } } =item B<percentiles> Computes percentiles for the enclosing bucket. The positional parameter is interpretted at the percents computed. If ommitted, the percentiles computed will be: 25, 50, 75, 90. percentiles:field_name:75,95,99 Results in { "percentiles.field_names": { "percentiles": { "field": "field_name", "percents": [ 75, 95, 99 ] } } } =item B<geo_centroid> Computes center of a group of geo points. No positional parameters supported. geo_centroid:field_name Results in { "geo_centroid.field_names": { "geo_centroid": { "field": "field_name" } } } =back =for Pod::Coverage es_flatten_aggs =head1 AUTHOR Brad Lhotsky <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by Brad Lhotsky. This is free software, licensed under: The (three-clause) BSD License =cut