=== API CHANGE ===
The options html_tags, no_html and no_jslink are no longer supported
by the new method. It _will_ break your code. The reason for this is the
implementation of scanning the output with HTML::StripScripts::Parser
(and the reason for that are the piling XSS-related bug reports ;-)
- Bumped up to version 2.00 due to the API CHANGE.
- html_tags has been removed
- no_html has been removed
- no_jslink has been removed
- HTML::StripScripts::Parser has been implemented for security reasons
- Fixed XSS bug (Ticket 28830)
Thanks to Jürgen Peters ('TAULMARIL') for reporting the bug and
helping me fix it (as well as Clinton Gormley ('DRTECH') for offering
help with his module!).
- Fixed XSS bug (Ticket 24448)
Thanks to DMUEY for reporting
- Fixed XSS bug (Tiket 17633, "HTML::BBCode XSS Vulnerabilities")
Thanks to Alex for reporting.
- POD slightly altered
- Really fixed Denny Daugherty's case insensative matching's problem (my bad)
- Bug reported by 'Dodger' fixed (no barfing on empty input)
- Bugs reported (patched) by YorHel fixed:
* Tags no longer substituted with HTML in [code] blocks
* No more <br /> in <li></li> (unless needed)
- Unmatched bracket problem fixed (Ticket 14138, "HTML::BBCode bug")
Thanks to Josh Schoof for reporting
- Yet more nesting problems fixed (Ticket 12036,
"Incorrect work with limited set of tags").
Thanks to Igor Lobanov for reporting and Michele Beltrame for helping out.
- Added (empty) attribute 'alt' to img-tags, to make it more W3C-valid
Thanks to Michele Beltrame for reporting and patching.
- Added case insensative tag matching
Thanks to Denny Daugherty for reporting and patching.
- Minor code changes (killing unwanted whitespaces).
- Nesting problem patched by monk physi. Thanks!
- img nesting problem fixed. Linked images should be ok now.
- This module has basically been built from scratch again, for a lot
of problems were spotted by various users (THANKS ALL!). The module now
uses a 'poor man's parser' that will fix nesting problems. Also the
linebreak options will ignore [code]-blocks.
- 'no_html' option, for "stripping" HTML input
- 'linebreaks' option, for inserting '<br />' tags
Thanx to Ken for pointing these 'flaws' out to me :)
- Better regexps (they still are dreadfull, but slowly improving ;).
- Nested tags are handled better.
- [code] and [quote] will now be parsed first, thus solving some weird results
- More tests during install
- Fixed stupid requirement for Perl 5.8.4 ... not needed
- initial version;