1.02	Released at 2005-12-23.
	Added key sProcATime to Processes. This key shows the
	  current total active time of a process. The time is
	  given in DD:HH:MM (days:hours:minutes).
	Added key SockIpFrag to SockStats. SockIpFrag means
	  the IP fragments currently in use.
	Added the "tests" directory with some scripts
	  to test all options and that testers can sends a
	  generated output by ProcCheck.pl if they detect
	  some bugs.
	Did further syntax improvements in the most functions.
	Time and date error solved.
	A lot of thanks to the people of perl-community.de
	  for they suggestions and improvements.
1.01	Released at 2005-12-22.
	Added the method new().
	Did some syntax improvements.
	Enlarged the test.pl script.
	Changed the keys NetSumStats and DiskSumStats
	  to NetStatsSum and DiskStatsSum.
	Thanks to David Serrano for his tipps about
	  the ugly sleep(1) in the getStats function.
	  I realized his suggestion in the new() method.
1.00	Released at 2005-12-21.
x.xx	Thanks to Larry Wall and all other perl developer
	for Perl :-)