*.**    This module is deprecated and will not developed any more!
           Please take a look on my new project Sys::Statistics::Linux.
1.16  	Released at 2006-12-09 tmp
	ProcStats() return now the statistic for each cpu number.
	  cpu without a number is the summary.
1.15	Released at 2006-10-06.
	Fixed the "illegal division by zero" message if SwapTotal and
	  SwapUsed is null in MemStats().
	Fixed the error (missed loop-variable) in DiskStats().
1.14	Released at 2006-08-19.
	Fixed the typo TxPacktes to TxPackets in the NetStats section.
	Fixed the global use of filehandles.
	Fixed the DiskUsage section. The text header of the "df -k"
	  isn't put out any more.
	Fixed the example script NonStopProcStatsRequest. The script prints
	  a wrong header.
1.13	Released at 2006-05-07.
	Formatting and actualize the documentation - thanks to SAPER
	  for his report and patch. Did a bit more...
	Changed the keys MemUsedPro and SwapUsedPro from MemStats
	  to MemUsedPer and SwapUsedPer (Per = Percent). Further
	  changed the key UsagePro from DiskStats to UsagePer.
	  Thanks to Chris in this case - cheers :-)
	Changed the keys fHandlesAlloc, fHandlesFree, fHandlesMax,
	  iNodesAlloc, iNodesFree, iNodesMax to fhAlloc, fhFree, fhMax,
	  inAlloc, inFree, inMax. I hope that was the last change of
	  keys. I give me strives!
	Fixed the bug in CountCPUs of SysStats - thanks to Albert
	  Graham for his report. I don't know why I started the
	  counting of CPUs with -1. Now it starts normal.
	  Further I kicked the CPU_Power and ModelName of SysInfo,
	  because the style of /proc/cpuinfo is to different on many
	Did some syntax improvements. Closing filehandles and changed
	  the %file keys hostname, domain, kernel, release and version
	  to Hostname, Domain, Kernel, Release and Version to run it
	  in a for-loop in SysInfo.
	The functions new() and getStats() are not exported as default
	   any more.
	Added Examples/ and removed Checks/ directory. In Examples are
	   now the most examples from the manpage.
1.12	Released at 2006-01-14.
	Did some syntax improvements in the DiskStats and getStats
	Added the FileStats function and actualize the manpage.
	Added "use warnings;".
	Added the directories t and lib/Linux.
	Splitted the test.pl into 11 different *.t files and
	   implement Test::More for all tests.
1.11	Released at 2006-01-02.
	Fixed a bug of the function DiskUsage.
1.10	Released at 2005-12-26.
	Make a jump to 1.10 because there are to many changes.
	Changed all keys. Remove the leading aliases Proc, Mem, Net,
	  Disk, Disk_U, sProc and changed the key ProcProc to ProcCPU
	  of Processes. The keys MinFLT, CMinFLT, MayFLT, CMayFLT,
	  UTime, STime, CUTime and CSTime are now added to the
	  initialized values to calculate the average. For this step
	  I added the function initProcesses().
	Did a lot of syntax improvements.
1.02	Released at 2005-12-23.
	Added key sProcATime to Processes. This key shows the current
	  total active time of a process. The time is given in
	  DD:HH:MM (days:hours:minutes).
	Added key SockIpFrag to SockStats. SockIpFrag means the IP
	  fragments currently in use.
	Added the "tests" directory with some scripts to test all
	  options and that testers can sends a generated output by
	  ProcCheck.pl if they detect some bugs.
	Did further syntax improvements in the most functions.
	Time and date error solved.
	A lot of thanks to the people of perl-community.de for they
	  suggestions and improvements.
1.01	Released at 2005-12-22.
	Added the method new().
	Did some syntax improvements.
	Enlarged the test.pl script.
	Changed the keys NetSumStats and DiskSumStats to NetStatsSum
	  and DiskStatsSum.
	Thanks to David Serrano for his tipps about the ugly sleep(1)
	  in the getStats function. I realized his suggestion in the
	  new() method.
1.00	Released at 2005-12-21.
x.xx	Thanks to Larry Wall and all other Perl developer for Perl :-)