0.07 Released at 2007-03-13.
Fixed t/03handler.t.
0.06 Released at 2007-03-11.
Fixed a bad typo in SYNOPSIS of POD.
Changed the description in NAME of POD.
0.05 Released at 2007-03-11.
Fixed some typos in the documentation.
0.04 Released at 2007-03-09.
Fixed code in new(). There was three typos.
0.03 Released at 2007-03-09.
Fixed t/03handler.t.
Added some points to the documentation.
Add an example for die_on_errors.
Add an example to call syslog methods.
Different code changes.
Fixed new(). Now it returns undef if open()
0.02 Released at 2007-02-05.
Added eight new methods:
would_log_notice(), would_log_note()
would_log_error(), would_log_err()
would_log_critical(), would_log_crit()
would_log_emergency(), would_log_emerg()
Changed the POD.
0.01 Released at 2007-02-04.
x.xx Thanks to Larry Wall and all other Perl developer for Perl :-)