0.11_02 Released at 2007-04-04
        Add the alternative to set "nothing" as option for minlevel and
0.11_01 Released at 2007-04-04
        I changed the log levels because they wasn't in the right order.
          0 debug     is now 7
          1 info      is now 6
          2 notice    is now 5
          3 warning   is now 4
          4 error     is now 3
          5 crit      is now 2
          6 alert     is now 1
          7 emergency is now 0
          8 nothing is still the same
          If you set maxlevel and minlevel as strings in your code than
          you don't need to change your code, but if you used numbers
          than you must change it! BIG sorry to all users that have to
          re-write code in this case.
        Thanks to betterworld for his tipps about the log levels! (thx pepe ;-))
0.10    Released at 2007-04-04
        Add the alternative to set STDOUT and STDERR as a string
          with the option "filename".
0.09    Released at 2007-03-01.
        Fixed t/03handler.t. The test log file was in unix format
          t/Log-Handler-Test-File.log, now it use File::Spec catfile().
        Forget to CLOSE() the log file in t/03handler.t and test fails
          on Windows.
0.08    Released at 2007-02-25.
        Now it's possible to hand off GLOBREF to option filename.
          There are some options that will be forced automatical:
          - fileopen => 1
          - filelock => 0
          - reopen   => 0
0.07    Released at 2007-03-13.
        Fixed t/03handler.t.
0.06    Released at 2007-03-11.
        Fixed a bad typo in SYNOPSIS of POD.
        Changed the description in NAME of POD.
0.05    Released at 2007-03-11.
        Fixed some typos in the documentation.
0.04    Released at 2007-03-09.
        Fixed code in new(). There was three typos.
0.03    Released at 2007-03-09.
        Fixed t/03handler.t.
        Added some points to the documentation.
        Add an example for die_on_errors.
        Add an example to call syslog methods.
        Different code changes.
        Fixed new(). Now it returns undef if open()
0.02    Released at 2007-02-05.
        Added eight new methods:
          would_log_notice(), would_log_note()
          would_log_error(), would_log_err()
          would_log_critical(), would_log_crit()
          would_log_emergency(), would_log_emerg()
        Changed the POD.
0.01	Released at 2007-02-04.
x.xx	Thanks to Larry Wall and all other Perl developer for Perl :-)