0.09 Released at 2008-12-16.
- Renamed key 'ts' to 'rs'. The key 'rs' was documented
but were returned as 'ts'.
0.08 Released at 2008-10-29.
- Just a full version.
0.07_02 Released at 2008-10-27.
- If the apache version couldn't be determined then each
regex for each apache version is checked.
0.07_01 Released at 2008-10-27.
- Added keys rs, bs and br.
- Now it's possible to parse server-status?auto.
- Key 'p' for parents will be kicked in future releases!
0.06 Released at 2008-09-24.
Fixed a bug... newlines were not deleted from the statistics.
0.05 Released at 2007-11-11.
Fixed regexes because they matched only if extended server-status
was activated. Now it should match ever.
Now it's possible to set the options url and timeout with new()
and access the LWP::UserAgent object with ua().
0.04 Released at 2007-10-13.
Fixed parse() and add return() if there is no content.
0.03 Released at 2007-09-13.
Added furhter server-status informations: Total accesses +
Total Traffic. The keys are ta and tt.
0.02 Released at 2007-07-10.
Did some code improvements that annoys me a long time.
0.01 Released at 2007-04-29.
x.xx Thanks to Larry Wall and all other Perl developers for Perl :-)