0.04 Released at 2006-12-29.
DiskStats died now if the read access to /proc/partitions
was successful and if there are no statistics. The reason
is that it seems to be that the linux kernel (<=2.4) is not
compiled with CONFIG_BLK_STATS=y. Up to now the message
"there are no initial statistics defined" was generated
and this message is not very helpful if init() was called.
0.03 Released at 2006-12-28.
Updated Sys::Statistics::Linux::CpuStats. There wasn't
irq and softirq calculated for the uptime for each cpu.
This values are only available with kernels > 2.4.
That aren't new keys! Just added for calculation.
Thanks to Alexey A Makeev for his report!
In addition I updated the documentation for iowait and
note that this statistic is only available by kernel
versions higher than 2.4.
All values for CpuStats are now ever floats "%.2f", not only
if the values are higher than 0.
0.02 Released at 2006-12-09.
No code changes. Just updated POD and added t/Pod.t.
0.01 Released at 2006-12-08.
x.xx Thanks to Larry Wall and all other Perl developer for Perl :-)