Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Meld.
0.09 2010-04-27
- Fix DateTime::Format::SQLite build dependency.
0.08 2010-04-27
- More documentation edits.
- Add build prerequisits so that tests actually get run.
0.07 2010-04-27
- Remove from dist.
- Fix libs with wrong pod NAME.
- MORE documentation fixes and edits!
- No need for each result set to create its own abstract object.
0.06 2010-04-26
- Move all of ResultSet's capabilities in to result set traits.
- Better tests.
- Made some changes that break back-compat.
0.05 2010-04-23
- Add module dependencies that were missed.
- Add tests for ResultSet.
- Add pager support to ResultSet, just like DBIC.
0.04 2010-04-23
- More documentation fixes.
- Fix SQLAbstract trait so that it actually works.
- Add automated tests.
0.03 2010-04-22
- Lots of documentation edits.
- Use Traits::SQLAbstract in the ResultSet class.
- New methods: select_sth, insert_sth, update_sth, delete_sth, and bind_values.
0.02 2010-04-22
- Fix $rs->column() to call column() instead of count().
- Make the various SQLAbstract methods more consistant
(hash_row instead of row_hash, etc).
- Move some result set code in to a new ResultSet trait.
- Fix "SQL::Astract" dependency.
0.01 2010-04-21
- First release.