Revision history for Perl extension Games-EveOnline-API.
0.08 2019-03-06T06:22:39Z
- Migrate build tooling from Dist::Zilla to Minilla.
0.07 2014-09-06
- Documentation edits to properly format code and data samples.
0.06 2014-09-06
- Add corporation_sheet function (chipsoid)
- Fix tests for wallet transactions (chipsoid)
- Add tests for character_ids and station_list (chipsoid)
- Add station_list function for player owned outposts (chipsoid)
- replace LWP::Simple to LWP::UserAgent cause first module can't return content
if response code not equal 200 (chipsoid)
- add error code structure in answer to all functions (chipsoid)
- add character_name function (chipsoid)
- add functions for eve-mails (chipsoid)
- add wallet_journal and wallet_transactions functions (chipsoid)
- fix character_sheet function and test for it (chipsoid)
- add api_key_info, account_status, character_info, asset_list, contact_list
functions for API (chipsoid)
- add itemID and contactID to forceArray attribute in xml2hash converter
0.05 2014-06-22
- Use Moo and Type::Tiny instead of Moose.
- Make this class have immutable attributes.
- Remove test code from the core module.
- Lots of documentation edits.
0.04 2014-06-22
- Fix params for API EveOnline (chipsoid)
- Fix tests skill_tree (chipsoid)
- Broke parse_xml() out of load_xml(), just for the sake of separation.
- Added Devel::Coverage metrics to the POD.
- Commented on WebServer::EveOnline.
0.02 2008-05-25
- Fix the various feeds - they were totally broke.
- Add tests for Perl::Critic and Pod::Coverage.
- Add a test that forces the API to use pre-generated XML and compare results.
- Upgrade to Module::Install 0.73 for no particular reason.
0.01 2008-05-14
- First release.