Revision history for Perl extension Geo::Distance.

0.05  Wed Mar 19 9:36 2003
  - Added a note in the documentation about the 
    inaccuracies of using Math::Trig.
  - The 'mile' unit was being calculated wrong which 
    meant it was returning very inaccurate distances.
  - Fixed a silly bug where a sub was being relied 
    on that no longer exists.
  - Documentation tweaks as usual.

0.04  Tue Feb 18 16:27 2003
  - Documentation revised once again.
  - Added reg_unit() for adding your own unit type.
  - find_closest has been overhauled:
    - Now accepts more than one field in the 
      field=>'' parameter.
    - Will now return an array reference 
      of distances instead of attaching the 
      distances to the locations array ref.
    - A little more effecient.
    - Now accepts a count argument.
    - Accepts an array reference for searching. 
      Mostly good for testing, but who knows?
  - Removed geo_ portion of names for exported 
  - Removed some of the input checking.  Just not 
  - Enhanced tests.  Now we're actually doing some 
    real testing.  Need more tests tho.

0.03  Sat Feb 15 14:49 2003
  - Documentation modified.
  - Added find_closest() which accepts a $dbh for 
    searching in an SQL database.
  - distance_dirty() can now accept locations as 
    array refs.

0.02  Fri Feb 14 22:10 2003
  - Based on a suggestion by Jack D. I migrated the code 
    to use Math::Trig for most of the distance math.
  - POD documentation written.
  - Object oriented interface created.

0.01  Fri Feb 14 17:11 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-AX -n Geo::Distance