Revision history for Perl extension GitLab::API::v3.
0.09 2016-06-22
- Added the group_projects method. @trunov-ms
- Switch from Log::Any::Adapter::ScreenColoredLevel to
Log::Any::Adapter::Screen. @nfg
- Modify the user() method to return the user data (...).
- Renamed the raw_snippet method to snippet_content. Note that the raw_snippet
method still exists but now issues a deprecation warning and will be removed
in the future.
- Added the search_groups, edit_group_member, milestone_issues, edit_project, and
edit_note methods.
- The owned_projects, all_projects, project_members, and milestones methods now
accept parameters.
0.08 2015-01-16
- Remove project_members and group_members parameters. @dotandimet
0.07 2014-12-11
- Fix Gitopt::Long typo preventing installation. @dotandimet
- Fix references to Net::GitLab which should be Net::Gitlab.
0.06 2014-11-29
- CLI client, gitlab-api-v3.
- Replace "@" in POD with "E<64>" to bypass older Perl issues.
- Include GitLab error messages in failed requests.
- Fix visilibity constants naming to match our conventions.
- Modify create_project() to return the project hash ref.
0.05 2014-11-19
- Added GitLab::API::v3::Paginator.
- Modify group_members() to support \%params so that page and per_page may be passed.
0.04 2014-11-18
- Reorganize section headers and add direct links to GitLab's documentation for each.
- Adjust abstract.
- Add documentation about project IDs and return values.
- Other documentation tweaks.
0.03 2014-11-18
- Point the user at the Constants module from the main docs.
- Add a CONTRIBUTING section to the docs describing how is generated.
- Add an author/README.pod to explain how the module generation works.
- Add an EXCEPTIONS section to the docs explaing how exception handling it done.
- Log stuff using Log::Any.
- Added a SEE ALSO section with reference to Net::Gitlab.
0.02 2014-11-18
- Implement the entire API (wew!).
0.01 2014-11-16
- First release.