Revision history for Perl extension MooX-ChainedAttributes.

0.07 2019-02-18T06:14:31Z

 - Migrate all the tests from Test::More to Test2::V0.
 - Migrate build tooling from Dist::Zilla to Minilla.

0.06 2016-11-09

 - Fix some non-helpful verbiage in the description.

0.05 2016-05-20

 - Apply chaining using an accessor generator role. (haarg)

0.04 2015-02-04

 - Don't instantiate class before modifying it in test. (haarg)

0.03 2014-08-26

 - Support Moo's 'is' attribute correctly.

0.02 2014-08-25

 - Add a chain() function, like how MooX::AliasedAttributes has an alias()

0.01 2014-08-22

 - First release.