package Starch::Plugin::ForStore; $Starch::Plugin::ForStore::VERSION = '0.07'; =head1 NAME Starch::Plugin::ForStore - Base role for Starch::Store plugins. =head1 SYNOPSIS package MyPlugin::Store; use Moo; with 'Starch::Plugin::ForStore'; sub foo { print 'bar' } my $starch = Starch->new( plugins => ['MyPlugin::Store'], ..., ); $starch->store->foo(); # bar =head1 DESCRIPTION This role provides no additional functionality to store plugins. All it does is labels a plugin as a store plugin so that Starch knows which class type it applies to. See L<Starch::Extending/PLUGINS> for more information. =cut use Moo::Role; use strictures 2; use namespace::clean; 1; __END__ =head1 AUTHORS AND LICENSE See L<Starch/AUTHOR>, L<Starch/CONTRIBUTORS>, and L<Starch/LICENSE>. =cut