Revision history for Perl extension Starch.
0.11 2019-02-20T15:54:38Z
- Find installed modules with Module::Find in Starch::Util::croak(),
making it support non-core Starch:: modules too.
- Require perl 5.8.1.
- Simplify VERSION declarations.
0.10 2019-02-14T19:40:15Z
- Remove Test::Fatal usage from one test.
- Migrate build tooling from Dist::Zilla to Minilla.
0.09 2018-09-04
- Migrate all the tests from Test::More to Test2::V0.
- A bunch of little POD edits to make readers happier.
0.08 2018-09-03
- Move Starch::Manual POD into Starch.
- Rework the manual DESCRIPTION to be less pretentious and more useful.
- Change the module one-liner from some weird esoteric thing to something
talking about sessions.
0.07 2018-05-17
- Stop hiding packages from indexing.
- Some doc fixes to the manual. @IsmailKerim
- Use MooX::MethodProxyArgs.
- Some minor documentation cleanup.
0.06 2015-07-31
- Move the TimeoutStore plugin to a separate distribution.
0.05 2015-07-27
- Use the short store name when logging store exceptions.
- Simplified the state lifecycle methods a bit and modified them to be a
little less opinionated.
- Plugins can now more reliably extend BUILD via method modifiers.
- Make sure the TimeoutStore alarm is cleared when an exception is thrown.
- Use alarm instead of Time::HiRes::Alarm for the TimeoutStore plugin,
as sub-second alarms cause more unpredictable issues than they are worth.
0.04 2015-07-21
- Update state's in_store if the store did not find any data. This
should provide some minor performance improvements and correct
- Moved the hash_seed and generate_id methods into the manager.
- Renamed invalid key to no_store key, which means its named
after what it causes rather than what it is used for (an anti-
pattern of sorts, but this key will be used for more general
purpose stuff).
- Added a mark_dirty method to state.
- Moved stringify_key and key_separator from manager to store.
- Increase test coverage.
0.03 2015-07-20
- Better Carp handling by setting Starch modules as Internal so that
the caller information ends up in the user's code.
- Move state ID validation up to the Manager so it is easier for
integration libraries to validate the ID.
- Lots of documentation re-jiggery (still not 100% satisfied).
0.02 2015-07-16
- Remove all uses of DEMOLISH, they were causing race conditions in
some cases during global destruction. Good by LogUnsaved and AutoSave
plugins. :(
- Fix Type::Tiny union constraints sometimes failing on Perl < 5.14.
0.01 2015-07-16
- First version.