Revision history for Perl extension BSD::Socket::Splice.
0.07 2020-12-30
- Fix test on arm64.
0.06 2015-03-07
- Add github repository p5-bsd-socket-splice.
0.05 2013-01-16
- After a maximum length splice, the OpenBSD kernel returns an
error EFBIG now. Adapt the tests to this behavior.
- Add a test for splicing with idle timeout and ETIMEDOUT error.
0.04 2011-09-13
- add test that this module is faster than pack and setsockopt
0.03 2011-07-03
- add tests for idle
- max and idle value may be undef
- kernel can now handle idle timeouts, add support for sp_idle
0.02 2011-03-04
- provide useful text in the readme
- fix man page pod
- fix test for sparc64
- do not undef $@ before eval in tests
- include more feedback from Steffen Ullrich
0.01 2011-03-01
- include feedback from Steffen Ullrich
- write documentation
- write tests
- implement functions setsplice, getsplice, geterror, SO_SPLICE
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with -A -n BSD::Socket::Splice