Revision history for Perl extension OPCUA::Open62541.
0.004 2020-02-27
- Use perlcritic and perltidy.
- Test that adding a node in the server and reading its value
from the client works.
- Use an efficient way to export constants in Perl namespace.
- Implement UA_Client_readValueAttribute().
- Use a function jump table for packing all variant types.
- Make this module run on multi threaded Perl by sprinkling dTHX
into the XS file.
- UA_DiscoveryConfiguration and UA_FilterOperand croak when
trying to pack them.
- Implement all missing packed functions for builtin types.
- To test client and server easily, implement
OPCUA::Open62541::Test::Server and OPCUA::Open62541::Test::Client
to handle the other end.
0.003 2020-02-21
- OPCUA::Open62541::sendAsyncBrowseRequest() uses optional output
variable for request id.
- Run static code analyse with cppcheck, remove false positives.
The C code generated by XS is clean.
- Use the generated VariableAttributes packed functions.
- Implement sendAsyncBrowseRequest for client.
- Implement OPCUA::Open62541::Variant->setScalar() and ->getScalar().
- Make status code magic like $! containing number and string.
- Test code with Perl::Critic.
- Auto generate data conversion functions.
- Support optional output parameter for addVariableNode().
- Implement conversion functions for builtin data types.
- Convert Perl hashes to NodeId, QualifiedName, and VariableAttributes.
- Implement asynchronous connections for clients.
0.002 2020-02-14
- Use Devel::CheckLib to ensure open62541 library is available.
- Implement type conversions for setting scalars in variant type.
- Connect client to server.
- Implement client and its config.
0.001 2020-02-12
- Implement basic functions needed to build a simple OPC UA server.
That is "4.2 Building a Simple Server" and "11.2 Server Lifecycle"
from the open62541 1.0.1 library documentation.
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with -A -n OPCUA::Open62541