0.83 22 November 2013
Fix bug in Lucy backend (if you wrote a node Foo Bar and then one
called Foo, it would delete Foo Bar from its index).
Make Lucy backend capable of indexing metadata as well.
Allow weighting of node title in Lucy search.
0.82 12 October 2013
Fix uninitialised value warnings in Lucy backend
0.81 25 May 2013
Fix compatibility with DBD::SQLite 1.83+ (RT#84680)
Added a backend for searching with Lucy - Wiki::Toolkit::Search::Lucy
Fix POD errors which are fatal with perl 5.18.
0.80 3 May 2012
Spelling fix in Wiki::Toolkit::Search::Base
Fixed deprecated use of foreach ... qw (fixes #53 and #54)
Fixed bug with metadata_was in recent changes (#41).
0.79 14 August 2010
Fix Win32 test failure http://www.cpantesters.org/cpan/report/8099980
Declare minimum required Perl version
(thanks to Alexandr Ciornii for the patches)
0.78 16 December 2009
Fix various POD errors and add POD testing (#45)
More recent changes tests (for #41)
Fix transaction handling in SQLite backend (#49)
0.77 24 December 2008
Complete support for store->list_metadata_by_type, which
returns a list of all the metadata values
Add store->list_metadata_names, which will tell you all the
different metadata types (names)
write_node: return the version of the node that was just committed,
if successful
Don't write out a new version of a node if the checksum is the
same as the one already stored (#43)
t/400_upgrade.t: skip all tests correctly if no backends
configured (#44)
Configure charset correctly when passing in an existing $dbh (#24)
0.76 13 July 2008
Really add missing prereq of DBI!
Add testing of database schema upgrades (#32)
Move to new schema version 10, including some missing indexes
and support for verified flags. Note that
the code using this column has not yet been written (#25, #34).
Changed Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::Listing to use metadata_was instead of
metadata_wasnt, for efficiency reasons.
list_dangling_links, list_backlinks: don't return internal links
that are from a node which does not exist. This works around
database inconsistencies (introduced by manual deletion of nodes)
which should be fixed by adding constraints to the database (see #38)
0.75 11 May 2008
Added support for selecting versions by moderation status (see
OpenGuides ticket #142).
Added "new_only" parameter to ->list_recent_changes, so you can ask
for e.g. all pages added in the last week. This involved a bit of
a rewrite of ->list_recent_changes, so please keep an eye out for
any bugs that may have been introduced (I'm not convinced the test
suite covered everything it should have).
Fix some badly-formatted POD documentation which accidentally included
some code
Fix uninitialized warnings in feed tests
Fix database setup to ignore tables that aren't Wiki::Toolkit tables
Fix test suite's incorrect passing of DBIxFTSMySQL connection
Add missing prereq of DBI (caught by the CPAN testers) and don't
use DBI in Makefile.PL
Add new scripts wiki-toolkit-delete-node and
0.74 9 June 2007
Added list_last_version_before method, to get the version of all the
nodes at a given point in time
Updated version on Text::WikiFormat dependency to avoid long-standing
test failure with old version
Bump version number of Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin as this was not done
the last time it was changed (for CPAN.pm compatibility)
0.73 12 December 2006
Added parse_feed_timestamp method
Added encoding parameter to the Feed methods, to allow overriding
the store's encoding.
0.72 15 September 2006
Install wiki-toolkit-rename-node
0.71 30 August 2006
More feed code refactoring, to allow "mini" feeds with just
name, and optionally distance and location. Typically used in
search results, especially with Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin::Locator's
Ability to filter by nodes without certain metadata, by type
or type+value ("everything without a longitude" or
"everything not category=Pub")
Fix bug in Listing.pm pod output
0.70 6 June 2006
Feed code has been refactored.
Check that the database schema is up-to-date when initializing the
store and abort otherwise.
In PostgresSQL setup code, delete orphaned content/metadata rows.
When we bulk delete and insert data for an upgrade, check to make
sure we can create the tables and indexes before dropping the old
Other miscellaneous fixes.
0.69_03 13 May 2006
Add Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::RSS (formerly CGI::Wiki::Plugin::RSS::Modwiki)
and Wiki::Toolkit::Feed::Atom (formerly CGI::Wiki::Plugin::Atom)
0.69_02 27 April 2006
Add missing new file lib/Wiki/Toolkit/Setup/Database.pm to
0.69_01 23 April 2006
*** IMPORTANT NOTICE *** This release introduces a new database schema
which should be considered beta in nature at this stage. It is not yet
suitable for deployment on production data and should only be tested
on copies of your production data. If it eats your data, you get to
keep the pieces. Additionally, functionality exposed in this beta
release is subject to change.
Rename to Wiki::Toolkit.
Support for moderation on a per-node basis.
Update to the database schema: added needs_moderation column to
node, and moderated column to content
You will need to run wiki-toolkit-setupdb to upgrade your database
Many more plugin points: pre_write + pre_retrieve (get to change
the data), pre_moderate + post_moderate, pre_rename + post_rename,
+ post_delete. See test 150 for examples, and the perldoc of
Wiki::Toolkit::Plugin for a description.
Merge Wiki::Toolkit::Formatter::Multiple:
0.02 15 September 2004
Applied patch from Tom Insam to fix bug with
0.01 22 September 2003
Initial release.
0.69 22 February 2006
Update to database schema: added an ID column to node, and changed
the content + metadata tables to FK to the ID field, rather than
the node name. Also added rails like schema_info table, to hold
the current database schema version number
You will need to run cgi-wiki-setupdb to upgrade your database
0.62 26 November 2004
Fixed delete_node bug - now it's OK to delete eg version 2 and
then version 3 of a node (ie you no longer have to delete
versions in order newest first).
0.61 3 October 2004
Added "ignore_case" option to ->node_exists.
0.60 30 September 2004
Added generic ->new method to CGI::Wiki::Plugin (Tom Insam).
0.59 18 September 2004
Added "ignore_case" option to list_recent_changes for use with
metadata filtering.
0.58 18 September 2004
Even more powerful metadata filtering! You can now supply both
"metadata_was" and "metadata_wasnt", or both "metadata_is"
and "metadata_isnt", and they will be ANDed.
(Also added the test I forgot to add to MANIFEST last time.)
0.57 18 September 2004
Extended capabilities of list_recent_changes - more powerful
metadata filtering (see docs for details).
0.56 14 September 2004
Added Plucene search backend (with help from Simon Cozens).
Applied Tom Insam's encoding patch.
0.55 There wasn't one. Something bizarre happened with PAUSE.
0.54 25 June 2004
Let ->delete_node take an optional version parameter.
0.53 18 June 2004
Fixed CGI::Wiki::TestLib so $iterator->number actually does something.
0.52 10 June 2004
Add include_all_changes and between_days to list_recent_changes.
0.51 8 June 2004
Time for a non-developer release.
0.51_02 6 June 2004
Added support for passing in a database handle instead of
connection parameters (Chris Winters).
0.51_01 24 February 2004
Refactoring of search classes in preparation for new search
backend. (Simon Cozens)
Please test against your applications and let me know of any
problems ASAP.
0.50 21 December 2003
First non-developer release with new test system.
0.50_02 21 November 2003
Make tests skip rather than try to run zero tests if no backends
configured - thanks to nothingmuch via CPAN testers for the
test failure report.
0.50_01 18 November 2003
Huge overhaul of test suite, no change in functionality.
Removed dependency on Test::MockObject and Hook::LexWrap
(the relevant tests are now skipped if these aren't installed).
Removed the examples since they were very out of date.
Made a small clarification to the CGI::Wiki::Plugin docs.
0.49 23 September 2003
Added "ignore_case" option to ->list_nodes_by_metadata
0.48 22 September 2003
Couple of small changes so I can write formatters that allow node
metadata to affect the rendering of the node.
A rewrite and renaming of the CGI::Wiki distribution is on the
cards - subscribe to cgi-wiki-dev if you're interested:
0.47 29 August 2003
Added metadata_was and metadata_wasnt parameters to list_recent_changes
0.46 14 August 2003
Fix for Shevek. ->write_node used to croak if it failed to index
the backlinks, but since the MySQL varchar type is case-insensitive
by default, we were getting a duplicate key error. As a temporary
fix pending a proper think about an explicit way for you to specify
whether you want your wiki case-sensitive or not (yes, people have
asked me for both), this now just warns if it has trouble writing
0.45 11 August 2003
Removed dependency on Class::Delegation.
Fixed Makefile.PL to check for Lingua::Stem before trying to test
DBIx::FullTextSearch stuff.
Fixed DBIx and Search::InvertedIndex tests to take note of database
host if one supplied.
0.44 10 July 2003
Fixed bug with metadata_isnt - it wasn't picking up nodes where
that metadata type wasn't set.
0.43 10 July 2003
Added metadata_isnt constraint to ->list_recent_changes.
0.42 16 June 2003
Dropped Test::Warn from the dependencies - it's too much installing
for too little gain (I was hardly using it).
Made CGI::Wiki::TestConfig::Utilities check for the Postgres
Search::InvertedIndex backend, and test using that if possible.
0.41 27 May 2003
Changed the order of things when registering a plugin, so the
on_register method can access the datastore properly.
0.40 24 May 2003
Added an index to the metadata table in the MySQL setup, to
speed up RecentChanges. To apply this index to an existing
database you need to do (as the database superuser):
CREATE INDEX metadata_index ON metadata
(node, version, metadata_type, metadata_value(10))
Also made the warnings in Makefile.PL and INSTALL stronger, since
we had another data-eating incident.
0.39 21 May 2003
Amended Makefile.PL and INSTALL to make it absolutely clear that you
should not run the tests on databases containing valuable data.
Thanks to Rocco for, er, stress-testing this, and sorry to 'know'
for eating its brains...
0.38 17 May 2003
Added ->list_dangling_links method; thanks to Simon Cozens for
the idea.
0.37 12 May 2003
Oh dear. No real changes, but I moved Extending.pod to stop it
getting installed as CGI::Extending. Sorry.
0.36 9 May 2003
Added CGI::Wiki::Plugin as a base class for plugins to inherit from.
0.35 5 May 2003
Fixed bug in CGI::Wiki::Store::SQLite introduced with new calling
syntax in version shipped with 0.34.
Very basic start at plugin support as described in Extending.pod -
see 'perldoc CGI::Wiki' for details.
0.34 5 May 2003
Moving towards adding proper plugin support - the proposed API is
in Extending.pod, please take a look and send comments.
In preparation for the above, the metadata hash passed to ->write_node
can now contain more complex data structures - but these will *not*
be stored directly, just checksummed. The way to access them will
be via plugins. See 'perldoc CGI::Wiki;' for details.
Also added alternative calling syntax for the CGI::Wiki::Setup::*
store modules, as requested by Podmaster.
0.33 3 May 2003
Added ->fuzzy_title_match method to the Search::InvertedIndex backend
(CGI::Wiki::Search::SII). You will need to re-index all existing
nodes in your wiki in order to take advantage of this. Take your
wiki offline and do something like
my $wiki = CGI::Wiki->new( %conf );
# (Where %conf is exactly as you would set this up for your actual
# Wiki application, including your store, search and formatter
# options exactly as you use them live.)
my @nodes = $wiki->list_all_nodes;
foreach my $node ( @nodes ) {
my %node_data = $wiki->retrieve_node( $node );
$wiki->write_node( $node,
print "Reindexed $node\n";
to refresh all the nodes in your database. Note that for wikis
of more than a couple of nodes, this can take quite some time.
0.32 2 May 2003
Fixed bug with write_node dying when using Search::InvertedIndex
and writing node with blank content (thanks to Bob Walker for
the bug report).
0.31 26 April 2003
Added an index to the metadata table in the postgres setup, to
speed up RecentChanges. To apply this index to an existing
database you need to do (as the database superuser):
bench=# create index metadata_nodeindex on metadata
(node, version, metadata_type, metadata_value);
It will also help speed things up if you run:
bench=# analyze;
every so often, maybe once a week.
0.30 22 April 2003
Added support for supplying 'host' parameter when connecting to
MySQL/Postgres databases (requested and assisted by Paul Makepeace).
0.29 20 April 2003
Got rid of the separate bin/user-setup-* scripts, added
bin/cgi-wiki-setupdb and made it be installed when the rest of
the distribution is.
0.28 6 April 2003
Added ->formatter accessor to Wiki.pm
0.27 5 April 2003
Added ->reinitialise_stores method to CGI::Wiki::TestConfig::Utilities
to make it easier for plugins and so forth to make sure they have
nice virginal test stores before they start running their tests.
Altered my setup tests to use this.
0.26 3 April 2003
- Removed deprecated method retrieve_node_and_checksum.
- Added DBI as a prerequisite (ta Max).
- Fixed up the SEE ALSO in the pod.
- The SQLite backend was failing tests with DBI 1.34 or up;
fixed now (with a kluge, but no worse than the one already there)
Thanks to DH for the test failure report.
0.25 29 March 2003
list_recent_changes can now filter on a single metadata criterion
- multiple criteria coming soon.
0.24 29 March 2003
list_recent_changes now returns any metadata attached to the node
as well - so you can put comments and usernames and things in there
and display them on RecentChanges. Note that it no longer pretends
to return a comment separately since you can do it this way now.
See perldoc CGI::Wiki::Store::Database for the new API.
Moved recent changes tests out into their own file.
0.23 17 March 2003
Fixed bug - metadata wasn't getting deleted when ->delete_node
was called.
0.22 8 March 2003
Rejig of the way the tests work, in preparation for allowing
third-party plugins:
When 'perl Makefile.PL' is run on a CGI::Wiki distribution,
information will be gathered about test databases etc that
can be used for running tests. CGI::Wiki::TestConfig::Utilities
gives you convenient access to this information, so you can
easily write and run tests for your own CGI::Wiki plugins.
No functionality changes.
0.21 6 March 2003
Purely a documentation update; thanks to Alex McLintock for comments.
0.20 22 February 2003
Added simple (and intentionally naive) metadata support. Note that
the database schema has changed (additional 'metadata' table), so
you will need to re-run the relevant database setup script again as
described below for upgrading to 0.15.
Much of this release was written on David Woolger's laptop; thanks :)
0.16 5 February 2003
Changed CGI::Wiki::Setup::Pg to use the 'timestamp' data type
instead of 'datetime', since 'datetime' was deprecated and
has been removed in Postgres 7.3.
Fixed bug with supplying blank database username/password;
thanks to DH for the bug report.
Fixed mistake in pod, pointed out by Podmaster.
0.15 5 January 2003
Amended store setup modules so their 'setup' functions don't
wipe pre-existing data; added 'cleardb' functions for when you
really do want to wipe it.
Along with that, amended the setup scripts in ./bin/ to take a
--force-preclear option. Now they leave existing data by default.
Added standalone tests for CGI::Wiki::Formatter::Default
Added $formatter->find_internal_links method and tests.
Implemented backlinks! Thanks to blair christensen for the idea,
and sorry for taking so long to get around to it.
*After* upgrading, you will need to re-run the relevant database setup
script (in ./bin/) on any databases created using earlier versions of
CGI::Wiki, in order that the internal_links table gets created. From
version 0.15, these scripts won't affect data in existing tables, as
long as you don't supply the --force-preclear option, so this is safe.
You have been warned.
(You can do the database munging before you install this new version
-- the old versions won't mind the extra table -- but
===> *** MAKE SURE ***
to invoke the scripts as something like
perl -Ilib bin/user-setup-[...]
so you get the *new* setup modules which *won't* hose your data
(the old ones did, ugh).)
The backlink data will also not exist for links *from* a given node
until you re-write that node. Take your wiki offline then do
something like
my $wiki = CGI::Wiki->new( %conf );
# (Where %conf is exactly as you would set this up for your actual
# Wiki application, including your store, search and formatter
# options exactly as you use them live.)
my @nodes = $wiki->list_all_nodes;
foreach my $node ( @nodes ) {
my %nodedata = $wiki->retrieve_node( $node );
$wiki->write_node($node, $nodedata{content}, $nodedata{checksum});
to refresh all the nodes in your database.
0.14 3 January 2003
Added $store->node_exists method and tests.
Amended $store->list_recent_changes to take a 'last_n_changes'
parameter, so you can find the last 10 (or whatever) nodes edited.
Made an internal change to the way ->format is delegated to the
formatter object, to give said object access to the store.
0.13 2 January 2003
Minor fix - t/031_formatting.t was being reported as failing on
systems without support for any of the backends, since I forgot to
update the SKIP condition when I added six extra tests. Thanks
to root@ostend.org for the report via cpan-testers.
0.12 1 January 2003
The Search::InvertedIndex backend wasn't indexing the node titles -
fixed and added tests.
Added tests for non-MySQL Search::InvertedIndex backends and fixed
CGI::Wiki::Search::SII to be case-insensitive all the time (instead
of just when using MySQL).
Tweaked the documentation some more - offers to simplify the docs
and/or write a tutorial would be greatly appreciated.
0.11 31 December 2002
Changes suggested by blair christensen, to allow alternate formatters.
See the README for details and CGI::Wiki::Formatter::Default for an
Took out some leftover debug stuff from CGI::Wiki::Search::SII.
0.10 19 December 2002
Added a Search::InvertedIndex backend; currently only tested with
the MySQL version of Search::InvertedIndex. When running make test,
if the Search::InvertedIndex tests are being run, the following tests
will warn 'testdb is not open. Can't lock.' (but should pass):
Cleaned up the initialisation of the Wiki object, at the expense of
a small interface change - you now need to create your store and
(optional) search objects yourself and pass them as arguments
to CGI::Wiki->new - read 'perldoc CGI::Wiki' (once installed)
for details, or see examples/wiki.cgi in the tarball.
0.05 17 November 2002
I'd uploaded an unfinished version by mistake. One day I will figure
out how to do this upload thing without screwing up.
0.04 17 November 2002
Added a DBD::SQLite storage backend (thanks to blair christensen
for a patch that makes up part of this).
Added tests and docs for retrieval of old versions of pages
(bad Kake, should have written those before implementing the
feature; blair and Richard shamed me into getting it sorted now).
retrieve_node_and_checksum is now deprecated -- retrieve_node is
more clever and will return content only or a hash with content
plus meta-data, according to context. So you should get at the
checksum via that.
user-setup-postgres.pl was buggy, fixed now.
Only two beer rewards now remain.
0.03 9 November 2002
Forgot to regenerate and add the README (I've put it in the
MANIFEST now to stop that happening again). Also forgot to
mention that I've upped the bribe.
0.02 9 November 2002
Pulled out the database setup stuff into modules (Mark Fowler
did most of this bit, thanks).
Added recent_changes method and its tests, changed the example
wiki to show how this can be used.
Renamed some tests since the order they're run in matters now.
Added better support for noninteractive installation (with help
from Mark again).
0.01 28 October 2002
Initial release.