1.007 2008-11-19
- Add test for query strings in digest auth as digest header is built using
the full URI (t0m)
- Fix for this (Peter Corlett)
- Fix warning when used with self_check => 1 (t0m)
- Added respository info to META.yml (t0m)
1.006 2008-10-06
- Added username_field configuration option. I need this to play
nice with Catalyst::Authentication::Store::Tangram.
- Doc cleanups / clarifications related to RT#39838
1.005 2008-09-25
- Added better description of the use of the domains and
use_uri_for options (info culled from RFC2617).
- Split init method out to make this module easier to sub-class
(used by Catalyst::Authentication::HTTP::Proxy).
1.004 2008-09-12
- Add tests for use_uri_for configuration options.
- Add tests and documentation for storing an MD5
of "$user:$relam:$password" instead of cleartext password
when doing digest auth.
1.003 2008-09-11
- Add ability to override the realm name presented for authentication
when calling $c->authenticate. Documentation and tests for this.
- Clean up documentation of options inherited from
- Added an example of calling methods in the credential module from a
controller to the POD.
- Tests for the authorization_required_message configuration parameter.
- Document use_uri_for configuration option
- Document domain option (passed through from $c->authenticate) and add
tests for this option.
1.002 2008-09-03
- Fix the assumptions that the password field is named password when doing
digest auth.
1.001 2008-09-02
- Fix some of the assumptions about the user class by inheriting from the
Catalyst::Authentication::Credential::Password module. This should make
using DBIC as a store work correctly for basic auth.
- Updated synopsis and todo list, this module still needs some work before
it's ready for prime time again..
1.000 2008-09-01
- Rename to remove Plugin from namespace. This is a pretty breaking change,
as lots of things work differently with the new auth refactor.
- Pull out some functionality which I think is better in other
modules (realms/stores). With the auth refactor, this module didn't need
to do so much. If anyone misses any of the functionality, please yell at
me and I'll put it back.
0.11 2008-07-12
- Changed cache modules used in the tests to not be deprecated.
- Fix RT#31036, and comply with RFC2617 Section 1.2.
0.10 2007-04-26
- switch to Module::Install
0.09 2006-12-31
- clean up tests
- clean up docs
- add body to 401 status
0.08 2006-10-12
- Fix basic test when using Test::MockObject 1.07 (die if using undefined
0.07 2006-09-12
- Applied Ton Voon's patch that fixed option propagation for basic auth.
0.06 2006-09-07
- Refactored internals into smaller methods