This file documents the revision history for Catalyst::Engine::Apache.
- No changes since dev release.
- Update tests to pass again.
- Update tests to not throw warnings with newer versions of Catalyst.
- Fix $c->req->remote_user with this engine.
- Clarify use with non-standard ports.
- Fixes RT#61707, RT#61706, RT#61704, RT#36829
- Workaround change in LWP that broke a cookie test (RT #40037)
- Update streaming test to latest 5.70
1.12 2008-02-20 09:00:00
- Fixed bug where %2b in query parameter is doubly decoded to ' ', instead of '+'
(Gavin Henry, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa)
- Fixed bug where req->base and req->uri would include a port number when running
in SSL mode.
- Fixed warning when a non-trivial regex is used in a LocationMatch block.
(Steffen Schwigon)
- Clear the value of $c->engine->return() before each request.
- Added support for 'PerlSetVar CatalystDisableLocationMatch 1' to disable check
for a LocationMatch regex to set base path.
1.11 2007-05-18 08:30:00
- Don't 'use mod_perl;' as this may not work on some mod_perl installations.
1.10 2007-05-15 17:40:00
- Properly detect the base when running within a LocationMatch block.
- Use the unparsed URI for building the path instead of Apache's
pre-parsed URI.
- Load APR::Table when using mod_perl 1.99.
- Switch to Module::Install.
1.09 2007-03-28 23:00:00
- Fixed compatibility with older Catalyst versions. 5.7008+
is recommended for best performance.
1.08 2007-03-28 22:45:00
- Improved prepare_query_parameters performance by using C-based
Apache modules instead of URI and URI::Escape.
- Improved prepare_path performance by removing the use of
- Extract host and port from X-Forwarded-Host.
- Use Apache2::ModSSL for determining SSL mode if available.
1.07 2006-02-17 17:00:00
- Fixed bug: Can't locate object method "FIRSTKEY" via package
"APR::Table" when running under mod_perl 2.0.2.
1.06 2006-01-17 16:30:00
- Removed t/01use.t as it will fail if Catalyst is not installed.
1.05 2005-12-23 10:00:00
- Fixed double-cookie bug on redirects.
- Synced tests with Catalyst.
1.04 2005-12-22 13:15:00
- Fixed bug when processing a bare HTTP/1.0 HEAD request with no
1.03 2005-12-13 22:30:00
- Removed dependency on Catalyst because it causes an endless loop
when trying to install Cat with AutoInstall.
1.02 2005-12-06 08:35:00
- Default to text/html, like the standalone server.
1.01 2005-12-05 14:25:00
- Added $c->engine->return method to allow custom Apache status
codes to be returned from the mod_perl handler.
- Fixed mod_perl 1.99 engine to use correct Apache::OK status code.
1.00 2005-11-13 19:30:00
- No changes, version bumped to coincide with Catalyst 5.50.
0.99002 2005-11-08 09:00:00
- Really fixed the return values and status codes this time!
0.99001 2005-10-25 21:25:00
- Fixed return value from handler to use the correct
Apache::Const or Apache2::Const value rather than a numeric
- Fixed query param handling.
- Added automated tests using Apache::Test.
0.99 2005-10-10 10:15:00
- Initial release, separated Apache engines from Catalyst core.