Change history for Catalyst::Model::Adaptor

0.09  4 August 2010
       - Use Catalyst::Utils::ensure_class_loaded on the adapted class,
         instead of eval/require, so that inner classes in already-loaded
         packages will work.

0.08   9 Febuary 2010
       - Correctly built distribution. MANIFEST.SKIP fixed to avoid the issue
         in future.

0.07   9 Febuary 2010
       - Catalyst::Runtime is a runtime dependency. RT#48842

0.06   3 January 2010
       - Fix a minor documentation problem. Reported by Cory Watson.

0.05   7 August 2009
       - Fix a minor documentation problem. Reported by Eric Prestemon.
         (Closes RT#48487)
       - Switch from Class::C3 to MRO::Compat.

0.04   16 July 2008
       - If no arguments are supplied, then construct new objects with {}
         by default, rather than undef, as Moose classes fail if given undef.

0.03   6 August 2008
       - make TWMC optional, since it can't pass its test anymore

0.02   11 April 2008
       - a minor documentation change

0.01   6 October 2007

       - first version, released upon an unsuspecting comprehensive
         archive network