Revision history for Catalyst-View-Component-SubInclude

0.07_01 Mon Feb 15 22:41:54 2010
        - It is now possible to configure plugins, and the subrequest
          and visit plugins can be configured to not replace the stash
          before redispatching.
        - Fix Visit plugin to work with newer Catalyst versions.
        - Use uri_for_action instead of calling methods in the dispatcher
          directly when possible.
        - Call pulbic rather than private methods in the dispatcher in the
          subrequest backend.
        - Plugins which are used now generate an instance for each plugin
          which is subsequently cached.
        - Fix useage of namespace::clean
        - Proper test application bundled with the distribution.
        - Proper tests for all engines in the distribution.
        - Use Catalyst::Component::ContextClosure instead of weakening
          the context manually.
        - Make pod tests only run in author mode.
        - General code cleanup.

0.07    Mon Jul 27 20:45:42 2009
        - Fix some issues related to Args/CaptureArgs handling in the SubRequest
          and Visit plugins.

        - Weaken $c to avoid a memory leak.

0.05    Tue Apr 21 19:16:00 2009
        - Change attribute constraint from ClassName to Str to fix issue with
          newer Catalyst versions

0.04    Wed Feb 11 00:38:02 2009
        - Recreate dist because the CPAN indexer doesn't like tarballs generated
          on Windows.

0.03    Fri Feb  6 17:58:50 2009
        - Add "subinclude_using"
        - Tidy up dist (added README and this Changes file)

0.02    Thu Feb  5 23:26:54 2008
        - Fixed several issues related to Chained actions
        - Added the Visit subinclude plugin

0.01    Fri Jan 30 21:00:00 2009
        First public version.