Revision history for CatalystX-Component-Traits

0.16 2010-08-26 19:07:00
    - Neglected to bump the version in last release.

0.15 2010-08-25 19:09:00
    - Change excludes to -excludes when using MooseX::Traits::Pluggable
      to avoid the deprecation warning.
    - Change primary repository URI in metadata

0.14  2009-11-08 05:43:37
    - minor code cleanup

0.13  2009-11-07 21:14:11
    - Fix merging singular traits rather than lists of traits.

0.12  2009-10-30 16:47:15
    - add support for root-level components

0.11  2009-10-30 14:25:56
    - fix bug with apps named CatalystX::<something>

0.10  2009-08-27 10:47:08
    - bump dep on MooseX::Traits::Pluggable

0.09  2009-08-26 12:50:44
    - fix trait merge bug (when not merging)

0.08  2009-07-29 23:39:30
    - Require Module::Pluggable 3.9 to avoid test failures.
    - More verbose error when traits cannot be found, including full search path.

0.07  2009-07-26 15:11:55
    - fix incompatibility with perl 5.8

0.06  2009-07-20 21:44:13
    - configurable trait merging support

0.05  2009-07-17 23:46:43
    - Correctly pass the application class into component constructors

0.04  2009-07-16 13:01:02
    - updated algorithm to handle CatalystX:: namespaced things

0.03  2009-06-15 16:11:11
    - changed trait search algorithm to the one agreed to on #catalyst-dev

0.02  2009-06-14 17:08:55
    - fix for namespaced apps

0.01  2009-06-13 22:30:38
    - first release