- Documentation in the message-pass script
- Add --configfile option to default script, allowing
you to load config from a file, rather than supplying
it on command line.
- Make JSON encoder pass non refs straight through,
so that if a previous filter generates a scalar,
then this gets sent as-is.
- Make JSON decoder pass refs straight through, to
act as a no-op if the input has already decoded
it's data into a hash.
- Remove spurious warnings from reconnect code.
- Rip JSON encoders and decoders out of inputs and
outputs, making them optional and/or replaceable.
*NOTE* Current Input / Output code will need updating
for this change!!
- Allow Null encoders or decoders.
- Get connection timeouts and connection reconnects
working in the generic ConnectionManager role.
- Add link to syslog input
- AMQP input/output is on CPAN
- Add link to STOMP input/output.
- Fix script name
- Note irc channel and bug trackers in docs.
- Updates and fixes to documentation.
- Unify license/author/copyright to main file.
- Add more core roles for use by extensions which need to make
a connection.
- Rename to Message::Passing, as it's a better description
of what we do, and will cause less confusion with other projects.
- Support a --daemonize option in logstash scripts.
- Support a --pid_file option in logstash scripts.
- Allow inputs to coerce a hash in output_to to an output,
which is more verbose than the DSL, but also allows you
to setup simple output chains from a simple data structure
(such as you might read in from a config file).
- Explicitly turn off output buffering in STDOUT output.
This means that piping the STDOUT output to a file (for
logging or debugging purposes) works as expected, without
batching writes.
- Change logstash script to use the perl interpreter it is
installed with, rather than the one in $PATH right now.
- Fix issue using Filter::T in the DSL
- Fix multiple inputs going to the same output.
- Initial version.