Revision history for Test-EOL
- Fix bad regex matching directories containing 'svn', not just .svn'
directories. RT#75968
1.1 2012-01-16
- Fix test fails on < 5.8 perls
- Fix t/13-latin1.t failures on Win32 and under TB1.5
1.0 2012-01-05
- Fix misleading test failure diagnostics when only issue are
trailing whitespaces
- No longer blindly assume utf8 on input files (RT#59877)
- Properly document testing options
0.9 2010-06-16
- Fix warnings on very old perls (
(Closes: RT#58442)
0.8 2010-06-11
- Use binmode :raw for input/output. Solves win32 translating the
\r\n character into \n's silently during input (Kent Fredric).
- Add an ( currently undocumeted ) all_reasons option to show
every line that is broken (Kent Fredric).
- Add visualising of invisible characters that match the regex
(Kent Fredric).
0.7 2010-03-03
- Deal correctly with -I includes paths that include spaces in the
tests to stop them unexpectedly failing.
- Remove shelling out to the system rm command in the tests
to avoid nasty warnings on Win32.
- Remove warning from test diagnostics
0.6 2010-01-19
- I'm so bad at this! Fix another logic error that made all files fail
when using trailing_whitespace option (fREW)
0.5 2010-01-19
- Fix logic fail that made all filenames the same if a user uses the
trailing_whitespace option (fREW)
0.4 2010-01-19
- Add checks for trailing whitespace (fREW)
0.3 2009-07-18
- Fix File::Find regex which I had broken.
0.2 2009-07-17
- Pod corrections pointed out by daxim in #moose
0.1 2009-07-15
- Module created and released on an unsuspecting world.