This file documents the revision history for Perl extension Text::MultiMarkdown.
1.0.0 2006-08-22T00:00:00
- first release
1.0.1 2006-10-20T00:00:00
- include patch from Uwe Voelker to allow setting of options in
markdown(); also added a test case from Uwe. Thanks, Uwe!
Also updated changelog references in POD somewhat.
1.0.2 2007-11-24T14:00:00
- move to Module::Install and clean various things up, mostly to make
CPANTS happy.
1.0.3 2007-11-24T20:22:00
- way to keep me accountable, CPANTESTERS! Maybe I shouldn't have
Test::Pod::Coverage enabled unless it actually checks out. Added some
fairly useless stubbed METHODS to POD and moved POD around a bit.
1.0.4 2008-01-02T02:03:50
- Refactor so that the processor instance has the same set of
persistent options as on the ->markdown method itself.
- Change all functions to be instance methods, moved a chunk of the
global data to the instance. The rest will follow shortly.
- The test suite now tests a reasonable set of the Markdown and
MultiMarkdown syntaxes.
- All known options and metadata keys have been documented.
1.0.5 2008-01-04T18:07:57
- Add Markdown and MultiMarkdown test suites.
- Fix a big bug introduced in 1.0.4 in citations
- Fix footnotes (and other small things) to match the test suite
1.0.6 2008-01-06T13:36:00
- Merge latest Markdown test suite I can find, and make it all pass,
pulling in code from Markdown 1.0.2b8. Things fixed:
- Inline HTML
- Lists
- Metadata skipping by leading line breaks
- 3rd form of links
- Implement features to suppress id attributes in <img> and <hX> tags
to be able to act more like original Markdown - now almost ready to
steal Text::Markdown (would want to turn off tables / citations and
bibliography for that)
- Move almost all the global variables into instance data.
- Fix unicode issues from's RT#27482
- Remove call to srand, it's not smart to do this more than once.
1.0.7 2008-01-07T16:31:00
- Encode isn't in core in all perls, add it to Makefile.PL
1.0.8 2008-01-22T19:20:00
- Do not encode amps or angle brackets in HTML comments + test case.
- Do not emit title attribute in <img> tags unless we have contents
for it. This was a 'feature' of original Markdown where I've decided
to go with what php-markdown does (tests updated).
- Added php-markdown tests (most/all of the regular tests pass except
the email obfu one).
- Added php-markdown extra tests (all fail).
- Added python markdown tests (mostly pass, but marked broken).
- Add a way of stopping inline HTML blocks from suppressing markdown
processing. Feature request from #catalyst-dev
1.0.9 2008-01-22T20:28:00
- Ship non-broken dist at CPAN (oops, rushing!)
1.0.10 2008-01-23T15:40:00
- Fix bug with links processing in HTML blocks.
1.0.11 2008-01-24T00:12:00
- Fix syntax error in one of the tests. Note to self - just fixing
that warning in the test case, then shipping without retesting, NOT
1.0.12 2008-02-18T22:00:00
- Text::Markdown - borgborgborgborgborg.
- Added additional POD documentation.
- Cleaned up some tests, and some additional test cases.
- Options to turn off all the extra features introduced in
1.0.13 2008-02-19T23:54:33
- Due to the UFT8 support this module no longer works on perl <
5.8, note this in the Makefile.PL and modules.
- I managed to ship a module without Makefile.PL, WTF? Really
need to start using ShipIt.
1.0.14 2008-02-21T22:41:33
- Fix a bug in the packaging of the last version.
- Add links to other implementations and some notes about them.
- Add a (failing) unit test for some unexpected behavior reported on
the list.