Revision history for Acme-MetaSyntactic

1.005 Tue Jul 24 2012
        - fix t/31any.t to work with themes having very few items

1.004 Thu June 28 2012
        - add support for POST request in Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList

1.003 Tue Jun 12 2012
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::List now automatically removes duplicate
          items from the initialisation data,
        - thus making obsolete the subtest_uniq test in Test::MetaSyntactic
        - give Test::MetaSyntactic a shorter timeout to check for the network
        - fix some encoding issues (fixes RT #77657)

1.002 Mon May 21 2012
        - ensure theme names used in tests are unlikely to conflict
          with themes existing in the wild

1.001 Mon May 14 2012
        - new subtest in Test::MetaSyntactic: subtest_encoding
        - extract() for MultiList lists that have remote lists
          can now behave differently for each category (the category
          is passed as a parameter)
        - add links to meta(1) from Acme::MetaSyntactic's documentation
          (fixes RT #77060)
        - new contributor added to contributors theme

1.000 Mon May  7 2012
        [NEW THEME 2012/05/07]
        - contributors
        - provided as a shortcut for one-liners (perl -Meta)
          (closed RT #28849)
        - all themes but foo (the default) and any moved to another
          distribution: Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes

0.99_05 Fri May  4 02:49:52 CEST 2012
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::MultiList init() now accepts an argument.
          (closed RT #40116)
        - made sure no tests depend on included themes

0.99_04 Wed Apr 11 01:34:50 CEST 2012
        - improved version of Test::MetaSyntactic, with more subtests

0.99_03 Sat Mar 31 19:41:22 CEST 2012
        - moved all tests common to all themes in the Test::MetaSyntactic module
        - remove possible duplicates in unicode theme

0.99_02 Fri Nov 11 00:06:24 CET 2011
        - clean up some "Name used only once" warnings
        - fix pod coverage tests for unicode theme

0.99_01 Wed Oct 19 01:03:03 CEST 2011
        - fix tests that used to break with Perl >= 5.10
          (thanks to Florian Ragwitz and Randy Stauner for patches)

0.99 Mon Nov  6 02:25:16 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/11/06]
        - summerwine (Smylers)
        - metafy is a new script that can search metasyntactic terms and
          replace them by others
        - pause_id
        - pokemon
        - pm_groups

0.98 Mon Oct 30 04:21:44 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/10/30]
        - magma
        - dilbert
        - linux
        - pause_id

0.97 Tue Oct 24 09:11:26 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/10/23]
        - good_omens (Jean Forget)
        - dilbert
        - linux
        - pause_id

0.96 Mon Oct 16 11:47:55 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/10/16]
        - thunderbirds (Abigail)
        - browser (Rafaël Garcia-Suarez added "iceweasel")
        - pause_id

0.95 Mon Oct  9 10:46:56 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/10/09]
        - linux
        - pause_id
        - pm_groups

0.94 Mon Oct  2 17:32:40 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/10/02]
        - nis (Abigail)
        - pause_id

0.93 Tue Sep 26 21:59:00 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/09/25]
        - jabberwocky (Abigail)
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::MultiList now has a has_category() method
          to test if a given theme contains a certain category
        - pause_id
        - pm_groups

0.92 Sat Sep 16 22:31:32 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/09/18]
        - invasions (Jean Forget)
        - dilbert
        - pause_id
        - vcs (Abigail)

0.91 Mon Sep 11 01:47:47 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/09/11]
        - vcs (Éric Cholet)
        [ON TO VERSION 1.00]
        - the DATES file now lists all planned themes until version 1.00
        - #21325 on (update metro with Chicago lines)
        - dilbert
        - metro (Chicago by Elliot Shank, London, Rotterdam, Toronto by Abigail)
        - pause_id
        - phonetic (Dutch list by Abigail)
        - pm_groups
        - punctuation (update from wikipedia by Abigail)
        - yapc (new YAPC by Abigail)

0.90 Sun Sep  3 03:02:31 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/09/04]
        - state_flowers (Abigail)
        - pause_id
        - yapc (Vienna and Houston were selected for 2007)

0.89 Mon Aug 28 11:48:48 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/08/28]
        - pause_id
        - dilbert
        - planets (Pluto is not a planet anymore)
        - pornstars

0.88 Tue Aug 22 12:51:15 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/08/21]
        - metro
        - ... but is has changed so much, that is just like it was.
        - From now on, Acme::MetaSyntactic has exactly 100 * $VERSION
          themes. Version 0.99 (the last beta) will ship with 99 themes.
        - No more cheap tricks to reduce the headcount, yay!
        - t/31any.t has been updated to work correctly if other themes
          are installed
        - t/41count.t is back (and works correctly if other themes are
        - #21028 on (David Adler noticed that t/31any.t failed)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - space_missions (new categories: manned_spacecraft, launch_vehicles
          and victims)

0.87 Wed Aug  9 01:15:08 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/08/14]
        - sins (Abigail)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - pm_groups
        - space_missions was not listed in the MANIFEST file for the
          previous version, and was therefore not included...

0.86 Sat Aug  5 00:48:11 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/08/07]
        - pie (Nicholas Clark)
        - removed t/41count.t from the public tests, as it may break
          when older versions of Acme::MetaSyntactic are already installed
          (that's because some themes have been renamed or removed)
        - apollo (augmented and renamed space_missions)
        - space_missions (Jean Forget)

0.85 Wed Aug  2 22:28:15 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/07/31]
        - foo
        - foo was made multilingual (see the change log for 0.26, 0.38,
          0.55, 0.70 and 0.73 for the whole list of cheap justifications)
        - only one more of those, and we'll have the version number correspond
          to the total number of themes
        - toto (removed and merged into foo)
        - Due to holidays and bad connection, this list was two days late.

0.84 Sun Jul 23 22:05:06 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/07/24]
        - tour_de_france (Abigail)
        - donmartin
        - services (added a link to the IANA list)
        - simpsons (made updatable with a link provided by Matthew Musgrove)

0.83 Tue Jul 11 17:13:15 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/07/17]
        - metro

0.82 Fri Jul  7 18:57:05 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/07/10]
        - olympics (Abigail)
        - dilbert
        - groo (fixed a typo)
        - pm_groups
        - pokemon

0.81 Mon Jul  3 09:02:36 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/07/03]
        - swords (Jean Forget)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - dilbert

0.80 Sun Jun 25 01:05:59 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/06/26]
        - pgpfone (David Golden)
        - dilbert
        - norse_mythology (Jean Forget added new categories names, places
          humans, norns and events, and also added a few dwarves, gods,
          giants and valkyries)

0.79 Mon Jun 19 11:11:15 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/06/19]
        - lotr (Jean Forget)
        - pm_groups
        - pornstars

0.78 Thu Jun  8 18:51:43 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/06/12]
        - scooby_doo (Michel Rodriguez)
        [TESTS FIX]
        - the alias use cases were not included in the MANIFEST file
          and therefore not in the distribution. They are now.
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - dilbert

0.77 Mon Jun  5 17:04:02 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/06/05]
        - colors
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::Alias improves lazyness by allowing a
          theme to be the exact copy of another one, with no work
          (the colors theme is an alias of the colours theme)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - colours (Abigail provided many English color names)
        - pm_groups

0.76 Thu May 25 14:52:30 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/05/22]
        - colours (José Castro)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - jamesbond (Abigail added several categories)

0.75 Mon May 22 12:21:22 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/05/22]
        - norse_mythology (Abigail)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - pornstars

0.74 Mon May 15 08:36:02 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/05/15]
        - userfriendly (Abigail)
        - one more success story in the meta(1) documentation
        - dwarves (Abigail, 9 new languages)
        - phonetic (Gisbert W. Selke, German typo)
        - planets (Abigail, update to 42 languages)
        - pornstars
        - weekdays (Gisbert W. Selke, 10 new languages)

0.73 Sun Apr 30 02:10:35 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/05/08]
        - planets
        - planets was made multilingual (see the change log for
          0.26, 0.38, 0.55 and 0.70 for the whole list of cheap
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale is now a subclass of
          Acme::MetaSyntactic::MultiList, and supports territories.

0.72 Sat Apr 29 01:12:16 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/05/01]
        - pantagruel (Rafaël Garcia-Suarez)
        - pm_groups
        - pornstars

0.71 Wed Apr 26 16:06:37 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/04/24]
        - sql
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - pornstars

0.70 Sun Apr 16 22:57:16 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/04/17]
        - jamesbond (Abigail)
        - You know the story, now... (If not, see the change log for
          versions 0.26, 0.38 and 0.55.) This time I turned a simple
          list into one with categories.
        - The meta script can now be called with "meta theme/category"
          instead of "meta --category category theme". (Abigail)
        - meta now accepts a --sources switch, that lists the sources
          used by a remote list. (Abigail)
        - browser (Rafaël Garcia-Suarez added a new item)
        - pornstars
        - #18700 on (update to the browser theme)

0.69 Sun Apr  9 23:14:09 CEST 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/04/10]
        - pornstars (Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)
        - New behaviour Acme::MetaSyntactic::MultiList allows themes
          to be organised in categories and sub-categories. Usage is
          similar to Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale (except that the
          constructor parameter is named 'category')
        - the first theme to use this feature is... pornstars
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList has a new method sources()
          that can report the source URLs for subcategories (for
        - the meta script accepts a new --category option, to select
          a category within an Acme::MetaSyntactic::MultiList theme
        - Since 0.59, Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList could accept
          serveral sources. This functionality is now fully tested.
        - tests for Acme::MetaSyntactic::MultiList
        - skip a few more tests if LWP::UserAgent is not installed
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - hhgg (updated a reference link)

0.68 Fri Mar 24 11:36:53 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/04/03]
        - pop2
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - counting_rhyme (Anja Krebber and Yanick Champoux provided
          a German version)
        - dilbert
        - services (now uses a very large online list)

0.67 Thu Mar 23 10:19:07 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/03/27]
        - pop3

0.66 Sun Mar 19 16:36:25 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/03/20]
        - smtp (Abigail)

0.65 Sun Mar 12 22:57:04 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/03/13]
        - contrade (Estelle Souche)

0.64 Sun Mar  5 17:24:16 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/03/06]
        - trigan (Abigail)
        [FILE UPDATE]
        - DATES lists all planned themes until version 0.68.
        - pm_groups
        - pokemon
        - pooh (Abigail provided a few more characters)

0.63 Thu Feb 16 10:57:47 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/02/27]
        - planets (Abigail)

0.62 Thu Feb 16 10:47:47 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/02/20]
        - garfield (Abigail)

0.61 Sun Feb 12 22:27:29 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/02/13]
        - pooh (Abigail & Leon Brocard)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - pm_groups

0.60 Sun Feb  5 21:29:44 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/02/06]
        - gems (Abigail)
        - dilbert
        - pm_groups

0.59 Mon Jan 30 01:02:45 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/01/30]
        - chess (Abigail)
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList now supports having several sources
          (but will parse them all in the same manner), thanks to Abigail
        - t/23length.t checks that items are not longer than 251 characters,
          and are therefore valid Perl identifiers
        - donmartin (Flavio Poletti noted that the list was incomplete.
          I put up a more accurate list instead of adding the missing item.)
        - haddock (Jan Pieter Cornet provided a Dutch version of the list)
        - pokemon (added two pokemons that the parsing code didn't catch)
        - tmnt (the lists sources are on the web)
        - yapc (some more YAPC were announced for 2006)

0.58 Sun Jan 22 17:03:03 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/01/23]
        - tmnt (Abigail)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - pm_groups
0.57 Sun Jan 15 16:10:10 CET 2006
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/01/16]
        - barbarella (Abigail)
        - meta now has a --check method that fetches the remote list and
          shows which items were added or removed (thanks to Abigail).
        - dilbert
        - pokemon
        - us_presidents (Abigail spotted a typo and provided a code patch)

0.56 Thu Dec 29 11:00:31 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/01/09]
        - pokemon (Abigail)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - pm_groups (28 groups died, 4 were created)

0.55 Tue Dec 27 23:15:32 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2006/01/02]
        - weekdays
        - Well, the theme has changed enough that I can consider it
          new: it's now a subclass of Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale
          and supports Basque, Catalan, Corsican, Danish, Dutch, English,
          Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Latin, Latvian,
          Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Welsh and Yiddish
          lists (as well as the Pataphysical calendar).
        - You've being doing this three times already! What does it mean?
        - I must admit that it's the only way I've found to add something
          new each week and still manage to have only 100 themes when I
          reach version 1.00...

0.54 Thu Dec 22 18:44:25 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/12/26]
        - barbapapa (Abigail)

0.53 Mon Dec 19 20:38:37 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/12/19]
        - opcodes (Abigail)
        - the list of themes (as returned by themes() is still computed
          at startup, but if new themes appear while the current script
          is running, they can be "required" without a restart
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - dilbert

0.52 Sun Dec 11 21:24:21 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/12/12]
        - us_presidents (Abigail)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - dilbert

0.51 Sun Dec  4 19:06:02 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/12/05]
        - weekdays (Abigail)
        - Added support for empty lists (prevents AMS from falling into
          an infinite loop), thanks to Abigail
        - Better support in Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale for language
          tags longer than 2 characters
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList now uses LWP::UserAgent to fetch
          remote lists
        - booze (see below)
        - dilbert
        - unicode (better support for various Perl versions and a very basic
          default list)
        - #16256 on (David Landgren provided 11 new beverages
          and corrected a typo in AMS::booze)

0.50 Sat Nov 26 20:15:57 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/11/28]
        - unicode
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::List and Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale-based
          theme can now supply their lists to __PACKAGE__->init(), instead
          of storing them in __DATA__. The data format must be the same
          as the one that load_data() returns.
        [FILE UPDATE]
        - Oops. The DATES file was not listed in the MANIFEST file, 
          and therefore not included in version 0.49.
        - DATES now lists all planned themes for 2005.

0.49 Sun Nov 20 15:58:38 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/11/21]
        - pm_groups
        - dilbert (thanks to Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList, see below)
        - yapc (YAPC::NA 2006 will be in Chicago)
        - name() is now a class method for Acme::MetaSyntactic::List and
        - A new class, Acme::MetaSyntactic::RemoteList, makes it possible
          to fetch the source list for the theme from a given URL.
          The associated test script spots new items and warns me about it.
        - The first themes with a remote list are viclones, dilbert and
        - meta now has a --remote option that prints the remote list of items
        [NEW FILE]
        - the DATES file lists all themes added since the beginning,
          with date and version information, as well as planned
          additions. This version lists all themes up to version 0.50.

0.48 Tue Nov  1 14:43:10 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/11/14]
        - dwarves (Antoine Hulin, Abigail & Xavier Caron)

0.47 Mon Oct 31 19:30:44 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/11/07]
        - facecards (Estelle Souche)
        - counting_rhyme (Dutch couting rhyme by Abigail)
        - discworld (Jean Forget added 35 new items)
        - yapc (Missing cities added by Abigail)
        [NEW FILE]
        - the CONTRIBUTORS file lists all the people who helped me
          with Acme::MetaSyntactic. Thanks to you all!

0.46 Mon Oct 24 11:21:53 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/10/31]
        - antlers (Gaal Yahas)

0.45 Sun Oct 23 15:09:15 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/10/24]
        - booze (Nicholas Clark)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - jamesbond (new movie title is public)

0.44 Fri Oct 14 14:48:49 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/10/17]
        - constellations

0.43 Sun Oct  9 22:34:45 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/10/10]
        - roman (Alberto Manuel Brandão Simões)

0.42 Sun Oct  2 23:02:21 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/10/03]
        - discworld (Martin Vorländer)

0.41 Sun Sep 25 22:31:48 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/09/26]
        - apollo (Jean Forget)
        - pynchon (David Landgren gave me 70 new items)
        - Win32::Locale is now the last after $ENV{LANGUAGE} and $ENV{LANG}
          under Win32 (it was previously the only possibility)
        - #14691 on (thanks to Barbie, who ran the tests
          under Win32, I discovered I didn't really knew %INC, and
          that I forgot that use = require + import)

0.40 Sun Sep 11 21:35:04 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/09/19]
        - yapc (Mark Fowler)
        - increased coverage for the theme() method

0.39 Thu Sep  8 10:41:25 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/09/12]
        - stars (Rafael Garcia-Suarez)
        - counting_rhyme (David Landgren spotted a typo)
        - phonetic (Gábor Szabó had a test failure)
        - Each theme now has a theme() method, for reflexion
        - the list validity is now tested for all locales for subclasses
          of Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale (thanks to Gábor Szabó)

0.38 Wed Aug 24 15:48:21 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/09/05]
        - phonetic
        - Well, the theme has changed enough that I can consider it
          new: it's now a subclass of Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale,
          and supports Swahili, French, English, German and Italian
          lists (as well as the good old NATO).
        - #14276 on (multilingual phonetic, with unofficial
          Swahili alphabet)

0.37 Tue Aug 23 23:34:36 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/08/29]
        - jerkcity (Rafael Garcia-Suarez)

0.36 Tue Aug 23 09:32:51 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/08/23]
        - currency
        - batman (link to photos of the onomatopoeias)
        - Due to holidays, this list was a day late. I hope this wasn't
          needed in production! ;-)

0.35 Sat Aug 13 23:25:22 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/08/15]
        - garbage (Jérôme Fenal)
        - the meta(1) command-line now has an usage line
          and recognises the --help option

0.34 Sun Aug  7 22:37:41 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/08/08]
        - peanuts

0.33 Mon Aug  1 01:07:28 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/08/01]
        - services

0.32 Mon Jul 25 01:44:42 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/07/25]
        - octothorpe
        - Correctly defined the import() method for each AMS subclass.
          Using any Acme::MetaSyntactic::theme with the empty list () will
          now prevent the metatheme() function to be created.
        - Coverage is not 100% any more (99.6% under Linux and 99.4% under
          Windows), but I think I'll mostly blame Devel::Cover ;-)

0.31 Sun Jul 17 16:27:17 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/07/18]
        - monty_spam

0.30 Sun Jul 10 19:40:24 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/07/11]
        - counting_rhyme (Xavier Caron & Paul-Christophe Varoutas)

0.29 Sun Jul  3 18:12:07 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/07/04]
        - punctuation
        - dilbert
        - added "use strict;" to AMS::elements and AMS::quantum

0.28 Sun Jun 26 20:29:51 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/06/27]
        - oulipo
        - hhgg (Jean Forget provided a few links)
        - crypto (Guy Widloecher provided new items and links)

0.27 Mon Jun 20 00:57:05 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/06/20]
        - groo

0.26 Tue Jun 14 00:49:48 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/06/13]
        - simpsons
        - Sorry, the theme disappeared in version 0.12, when I made
          the change to the behaviour-based architecture
        - What's the point of having 100% coverage, when things like
          this happen?
        - Hey, nobody complained until now!

0.25 Mon Jun  6 22:48:33 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/06/06]
        - pasta
        [BUG FIX]
        - magicroundabout had a BUG, which is now fixed (sorry about that)

0.24 Mon May 30 00:33:41 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/05/30]
        - magicroundabout (Cédric Bouvier)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - magic8ball (4 items were missing)
        - meta now supports a --themes option that lists all the available

0.23 Mon May 16 13:41:36 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/05/23]
        - teletubbies
        - added SUCCESS STORIES to the meta(1) documentation

0.22 Thu May 12 11:18:52 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/05/16]
        - quantum (Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)

0.21 Sun May  8 02:13:27 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/05/09]
        - alphabet
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::any's constructor now accepts parameters,
          which can modify the behaviour of the chosen themes (e.g.
          the themes derived from Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale)
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::any now ensures there will be no repetition
          in a given theme until all items from the theme have been seen.
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale is now listed among the available
          behaviours in Acme::MetaSyntactic

0.20 Mon May  2 02:10:32 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/05/02]
        - debian

0.19 Sun Apr 24 23:22:04 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/04/25]
        - magic8ball

0.18 Mon Apr 11 07:35:40 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/04/18]
        - amber (Offer Kaye)

0.17 Sun Apr 10 16:39:56 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/04/11]
        - elements (Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)
        - now looks for Acme::MetaSyntactic themes everywhere in @INC
          (not only in the directory where Acme::MetaSyntactic is installed)
        - better documentation for Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale
        - load_data() does not destroy $_ any more
        - the bugfix in 0.16 did not fix the "whitespace in install dir" bug,
          but the @INC enhancement did (thanks to Olivier Mengué for pointing
          me to File::Glob)

0.16 Fri Apr  1 11:31:27 CEST 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/04/04]
        - haddock (Jérôme Fenal)
        - The new Acme::MetaSyntactic::Locale allows for multilingual themes
        - The first theme to use this behaviour is "haddock"
        - Still 100% coverage (even cover Win32 code under Unix)
        - Corrected a bug that only appeared if Acme::MetaSyntactic
          was installed in directories containing whitespace
          (thanks to Max Maischein for testing under such conditions!)

0.15 Thu Mar 17 17:52:45 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/03/28]
        - python (Ricardo Signes)
        - dancers (removed bad characters)
        - dilbert (removed duplicates)
        - donmartin (removed duplicates)
        - robin (removed duplicates)
        - cleaned up the result of load_data()
        - This module is a dependency for two other modules!
          + Bot::MetaSyntactic is the base for the meta bot on #perlfr
          + Acme::MetaSyntactic::RefactorCode will replace your boring
            metasyntactic variables with shiny new ones

0.14 Mon Mar 14 11:02:51 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/03/21]
        - pumpkings (Rafael Garcia-Suarez)
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - hhgg

0.13 Sun Mar  6 21:33:00 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/03/14]
        - loremipsum (Jérôme Fenal)

0.12 Sun Mar  6 20:15:11 CET 2005
        - To prevent endless growth of the Acme::MetaSyntactic module,
          and support various theme behaviours, support for behaviour
          classes has been added.
        - The first behaviour class is Acme::MetaSyntactic::List, which
          reproduces the previous behaviour of selecting a number
          of random items from a list, with no repetition until
          the list is exhausted.
        - The 17 existing themes have been converted to the new scheme.
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic is a dependency for a least one module!
          Praise Bot::MetaSyntactic, which is the core of the meta bot
          running on irc://
        - the API has changed a little:
          + Acme::MetaSyntactic does not has methods named after the
            themes any more
          + The name() method now accept the theme name as its first
          + name( [ $theme, ] 0 ) now returns the full list of names
        - Code coverage is still 100%, but I had to resort to a hack
          to achieve this feat.
        - Acme::MetaSyntactic::List is the classic "random item from a list"
          that existed until now
        - More behaviour subclasses will follow!
        [NEW WEEKLY THEMES 2005/03/07]
        - any     [a metatheme (!) that returns names from a random theme]
        - dancers [a birthday gift and homage to my wife,
                   who was born on March 7th, 30 years ago]
        [THEME UPDATE]
        - toto (Jérôme Fenal)

0.11 Tue Feb 22 17:03:14 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/02/28]
        - hhgg (Aldo Calpini)

0.10 Thu Feb 10 16:16:49 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/02/21]
        - viclones

0.09 Mon Feb  7 00:11:57 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/02/14]
        - buffy (Rafael Garcia-Suarez)

0.08 Tue Jan 18 01:26:14 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/02/07]
        - phonetic (Michel Rodriguez)

0.07 Tue Jan 18 01:24:35 CET 2005
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/01/31]
        - jamesbond (heh)

0.06 Tue Jan 18 01:21:27 CET 2005
        [BIG FUX]
        - themes() didn't work correctly in scalar context.
        [SMILL FAX]
        - meta did issue a warning when called without arguments.
          Rafael Garcia-Suarez provided a patch, which I modified
          so that no args means default theme.
        [NEW WEEKLY THEME 2005/01/24]
        - tld (Scott Lanning suggested ISO 3166 country codes)

0.05 Sun Jan 16 18:30:29 CET 2005
        - From now on, releases should happen on a weekly
          basis, every monday morning (CET)... A new list every week!
        - Email me with suggestions (and lists).
        [STUPID ME]
        - 0.04 was released too soon, so this version:
          + puts the coverage back at 100% (one missing test in 0.04
            had the coverage fall to 97.8%. Darn.)
          + removes the compromising "log" file (which was there since 0.01)
          + removes the "Build" file (which was there since 0.01, as well)
        - script/meta is a simple front-end, useful with $EDITOR
        - New theme:
          + browser (with a little help from Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)

0.04 Sat Jan 15 10:50:00 CET 2005
        - Correct a typo in Markefile.PL (thanks to Mike Castle)
        - The method themes() returns the sorted list of available themes
        - New themes:
          + crypto (anonymous)
          + simpsons
        - closed ticket #9725 on (wishlist)

0.03 Fri Jan 14 21:39:03 CET 2005
        - Documentation patches
        - Put everything in __DATA__ to make adding new themes easier
        - New themes (the names in parentheses indicate who suggested
          the theme and/or provided the list):
          + dilbert (Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni)
          + donmartin (Vahe Sarkissian)
          + pynchon (David Landgren)
          + robin
        - closed ticket #9731 on (discussion)

0.02 Fri Jan 14 01:50:42 CET 2005
        - The module now exports all meta* functions.
        - If many items are requested, the module will supply as many
          as requested, as randomly as possible.

0.01 Fri Jan 14 00:32:02 CET 2005
        - First version, with only an OO interface.
        - 100% test coverage (Devel::Cover rules!)
        - Themes:
          + batman
          + flintstones
          + foo
          + shadok
          + toto