package Acme::MetaSyntactic::magic8ball; use strict; use Acme::MetaSyntactic::List; our @ISA = qw( Acme::MetaSyntactic::List ); our $VERSION = '1.000'; __PACKAGE__->init(); 1; =head1 NAME Acme::MetaSyntactic::magic8ball - The magic8ball theme =head1 DESCRIPTION The legendary fortune-telling toy, in yet another computer programmed incarnation, this time using Acme::MetaSyntactic! This metasyntactic Magic 8 Ball may be nice, even useful for important choices in your life, but be sure to ask the Public 8 Ball as well: L<>. The Magic 8 Ball answers list can be found here L<> and here L<> and here L<>. =head1 CONTRIBUTOR Philippe "BooK" Bruhat. Introduced in Acme-MetaSyntactic version 0.19, published on April 25, 2005. Corrected (4 items were missing) in version 0.24, published on May 30, 2005. Received its own version number for Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes version 1.000, published on May 7, 2012. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Acme::MetaSyntactic>, L<Acme::MetaSyntactic::List>. =cut __DATA__ # names As_I_See_It_Yes Ask_Again_Later Better_Not_Tell_You_Now Cannot_Predict_Now Concentrate_and_Ask_Again Don_t_Count_On_It It_Is_Certain It_Is_Decidedly_So Most_Likely My_Reply_Is_No My_Sources_Say_No Outlook_Good Outlook_Not_So_Good Reply_Hazy_Try_Again Signs_Point_to_Yes Very_Doubtful Without_a_Doubt Yes Yes_Definitely You_May_Rely_On_It