package Acme::MetaSyntactic::oulipo; use strict; use Acme::MetaSyntactic::List; our @ISA = qw( Acme::MetaSyntactic::List ); our $VERSION = '1.001'; __PACKAGE__->init(); 1; =encoding iso-8859-1 =head1 NAME Acme::MetaSyntactic::oulipo - The Oulipo theme =head1 DESCRIPTION This theme contains the initials of the members of the French literary group Oulipo, created by Raymond Queneau (RQ) and François Le Lionnais (FLL) in 1960. These initials are commonly used in place of a member's full name. See the official Oulipo web site at L. =head1 CONTRIBUTOR Philippe "BooK" Bruhat (co-creator of the first Oulipo web site, back in 1995). Introduced in Acme-MetaSyntactic version 0.28, published on June 27, 2005. Updated with the new Oulipo members since 2007, and received its own version number for Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes version 1.000, published on May 7, 2012. Updated with an C<=encoding> pod command in version 1.001, published on May 14,2012 =head1 SEE ALSO L, L. =cut __DATA__ # names NA MA MB VB JB CB AB PB IC FC BC RC SC MD JD LE FF PF AFG MG JJ AL FLL HLT JL DLB HM MM IM OP GP RQ JQ PR JR OS AMS