package Acme::MetaSyntactic::tarot; use strict; use Acme::MetaSyntactic::List; our @ISA = qw( Acme::MetaSyntactic::List ); our $VERSION = '1.000'; __PACKAGE__->init(); 1; =head1 NAME Acme::MetaSyntactic::tarot - Tarot cards =head1 DESCRIPTION Tarot decks consist of 78 different cards - a 22 card I<Major Arcana>, and 4 14-card suits forming the I<Minor Arcana>. The suits in the minor arcana as I<Wands>, I<Cups>, I<Swords> and I<Pentacles>. Ranks start with I<Ace>, then go from 2 to 10 inclusive, then I<Page>, I<Knight>, I<Queen> and I<King>. In the Major Arcana, we find: I<Fool>, I<Magician>, I<High Priestess>, I<Empress>, I<Emperor>, I<Hierophant>, I<Lovers>, I<Chariot>, I<Strength>, I<Hermit>, I<Wheel of Fortune>, I<Justice>, I<Hanged Man>, I<Death>, I<Temperance>, I<Devil>, I<Tower>, I<Star>, I<Moon>, I<Sun>, I<Judgement>, and finally, I<World>. Source: L<> =head1 CONTRIBUTOR Abigail =head1 CHANGES =over 4 =item * 2012-06-11 - v1.000 Introduced in Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes version 1.005. =item,* 2005-11-01 Submitted by Abigail. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Acme::MetaSyntactic>, L<Acme::MetaSyntactic::List>. =cut __DATA__ # names Fool Magician High_Priestess Empress Emperor Hierophant Lovers Chariot Strength Hermit Wheel_of_Fortune Justice Hanged_Man Death Temperance Devil Tower Star Moon Sun Judgement World Wand Cup Sword Pentacle Page Knight Queen King Ace