Revision history for Perl extension Git::FastExport

0.104 Tue Apr 22 2014
        - proper support for annotated tags (RT #94816)
        - added tests for annotated tags

0.103 Sat Mar 8 2014
        - declared that the script/ directory contains scripts to install
          (thanks to Aristotle Pagaltzis)

0.102 Mon Feb 24 2014
        - changed the data structure used by Git::FastExport::Stitch
          internally, which should save a lot of memory when processing
          large repositories (RT #93200)

0.101 Sat Nov 23 2013
        - tests using `git fast-export` require a git >= 1.5.4

0.100 Sat Sep 7 2013
        - t/compile.t is obsoleted by the Test::Compile dzil plugin
        - tests using test_repository() require a git >= 1.5.0

0.09 Fri Jul 19 2013
        - use Git::Repository instead of to interact with Git
        - improve the test repositories generation, no need to sleep
          between commits (and no need to cache the repositories)
        - moved pod tests to the release stage
        - fix small errors in the ascii-art graphs
        - improve inter-documentation linkage by using L<> instead of C<>
        - switch to Dist::Zilla for maintaining the distribution

0.08 Mon Dec 17 2012
        - proper handling of double quotes in git fast-export output
          (RT #81342)
        - made a number of tests more robust

0.07 Sat Jan  3 06:35:52 CET 2009
        - moved the stitching algorithm in its own module:
        - git-stitch-repo is now a thin wrapper around it
        - the stitching algorithm is documented in Git::FastExport::Stitch
        - the use cases are documented in git-stitch-repo
        - fixed the test repositories code
        - added tests involving stitching 3-way merges

0.06 Sat Dec 20 00:07:44 CET 2008
        - git-stitch-repo: greatly improved the algorithm for finding
          a suitable commit to attach to, avoiding inconsistencies:
          git-stitch-repo can now stitch non-linear repositories
          in a consistent way
        - git-stitch-repo: added an option to change the attachment
          commit selection algorithm
        - documentation improvements on git-stitch-repo, with a lot
          more ascii graphs

0.05 Sun Oct  5 01:22:53 CEST 2008
        - made Git::FastExport::Block an independent module
        - t/30stitch-repo.t now caches the source repositories used in
          the tests. This speed up considerably this test script after
          the first run (from 2 minutes to 2 seconds)

0.04 Wed Aug 20 22:04:30 CEST 2008
        - git-stitch-repo: fixed a bug that caused many commits/branches
          to be lost because different branches were given the same name.
        - improved documentation for git-stitch-repo
        - t/30stitch-repot.t actually tests the results of running
          git-stitch-repo on several different configurations

0.03 Mon Jul  7 19:29:23 CEST 2008
        - git-stitch-repo: fixed a segmentation fault that occured
          at program destruction, because of a huge self-referential
          hash of hashes

0.02 Fri Jul  4 11:03:54 CEST 2008
        - added a README file
        - added documentation for git-stitch-repo
        - added t/00load.t and t/01new.t to increase test coverage

0.01 Thu Jun 26 14:00:01 CEST 2008
        - process git-fast-export output
        - uses the module provided with git
        - git-stitch-repo can "stitch" together two unrelated repositories