Revision history for Perl extension HTTP::Proxy

0.04  Sat Nov 30 12:19:22 CET 2002
        - accept connection from other hosts
        - better ftp support (no test yet)
        - basic gopher support (no test yet)
        - better HTTP error handling
        - use CRLF in HTTP headers

0.03  Fri Nov 29 11:17:36 CET 2002
        - url() method gives a url to reach the proxy
        - new 'control' attribute defines the control URL
        - better subprocess management by preforking child processes
        - a children handles only one request at a time, for better
          performance (this means we only to HTTP/1.0 for now)
        - correctly handle the Proxy-Connection and Connection headers

0.02  Thu Oct 24 23:45:08 CEST 2002
        - the system now forks to handle several connections
        - but needs better test suites

0.01  Tue Oct  1 11:54:07 CEST 2002
        - original version