Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Gazetteer::Heavens

0.10 Sat Sep 13 11:46:48 CEST 2003
        - add the iso code attribute
        - the heavens-above database a changed a bit, to one of
          the tests had to be changed

0.09 Fri Feb  7 00:49:49 CET 2003
        - The now gives a 500 error when
          a non-existing country code is used

0.08 Thu Oct 24 13:33:31 CEST 2002
        - a correct User-Agent string
        - sleep 3 between retries

0.07  Tue Oct 22 17:43:33 CEST 2002
        - interface change to conform to WWW::Gazetteer's city, country order
        - fetch() becomes find() (but remains)
        - should be compatible with WWW::Gazetteer 0.20
        - find() and friends return an arrayref in scalar context

0.06  Tue Oct 19 11:40:43 CEST 2002
        - the query '*' now works correctly
        - some countries do not have a 'region' field at all
        - elevation is simple number, in meters ('508 m' => 508)
0.05  Thu Oct 17 14:40:22 CEST 2002
        - allow a broken connection to be retried (default 5)
        - new() accept arguments to override defaults

0.04  Thu Oct 17 09:07:01 CEST 2002
        - handle requests with 200+ answers, that use a single *
        - correct PREREQ_PM (HTML::TreeBuilder, HTML::Form)
        - eg/ now prints the county for US cities

0.03  Wed Oct 16 12:19:29 CEST 2002
        - correct the city structure for the US cities (county)
        - more documentation (callbacks)

0.02  Wed Oct 16 00:57:44 CEST 2002
        - handle network errors (croak)
        - a simple example script: eg/

0.01  Tue Oct 15 16:12:16 CEST 2002
        - first published version