Revision history for WWW-Mailman

1.061 2016-07-23 BOOK
    - archive_mbox_uri returns the URI for the full mbox archive (if any)
    - switched to dzil for packaging

1.06 2013-05-07 BOOK
    - fix the test code for perl 5.17
    - allow for several configuration files for live tests
    - several minor test improvements

1.05 2011-12-22 BOOK
    - add support for Mailman installs that do not use /mailman/
      in their URL (RT #73312)
    - add a version() method
    - enforce content-encoding to latin-1 when submitting forms,
      to fix some double encoding issues

1.04 2010-04-06 BOOK
    - more accurate prerequites

1.03 2010-04-01 BOOK
    - better support for sites behind HTTP authentication
    - mm_roster (forgotten in v1.01)

1.02 2010-03-30 BOOK
    - new method: admin()
    - admin() is the entry point for a bunch of other methods:
      admin_archive(), admin_autoreply(), admin_bounce(),
      admin_contentfilter(), admin_digest(), admin_gateway(),
      admin_general(), admin_language(), admin_nondigest(),
      admin_passwords(), admin_topics()
    - live test for some admin methods

1.01 2010-03-28 BOOK
    - new method: roster()
    - live test for roster()

1.00 2010-03-25 BOOK
    - basic features: constructor, accessors
    - autologin, cookie management
    - options(), othersubs(), changepw(), emailpw(), unsub()
    - mm_othersubs, mm_emailpw, mm_options, mm_nodupes
    - live tests with working credentials if provided
    - numerous examples scripts in eg/
    - 94% coverage (with live tests)