Changes for EPublisher::Source::Plugin::MetaCPAN
0.19 2012-06-14
- added test for inexistant module names
- handling of inexistant module names
- more details in error output
0.18 2012-06-13
- removing regex which made problems (github issue 18)
0.17 2012-05-10
- add possibility to just return one single module
0.16 2012-05-03
- MetaCPAN encodes the response in utf-8, within EPublisher everything should
be in Perl's internal format, so we have to decode the Pod source
0.15 2012-04-26
- MetaCPAN does not handle ".pm" in release names, so we have to remove it
0.14 2012-04-14
- do not croak on errors, skip the files instead
0.13 2012-04-14
- add more debugging code
0.12 2012-04-12
- some modules have different versions in main module and dist name
so we have to use an other field from MetaCPAN API
0.11 2012-04-02
- fixed a bug in POD detection. (POD without "=head" is ignored)
- take possible comments in MANIFEST into account
- tweaked Regex for finding POD (looking everywhere but example/ and t/)
0.1 2012-03-19
- initial release