Revision history for School-Code-Compare
0.201 2023-11-12 11:16:58+01:00 Europe/Zurich
- update documentation
- adjust hardcoded values to skip comparison (skip more often)
0.2 2023-11-06 22:36:26+01:00 Europe/Zurich (TRIAL RELEASE)
- add option --split|-t
0.104 2020-09-09 14:42:24+02:00 Europe/Zurich
- promote v0.102 und v0.103 trial releases
- add author test for Changes file
0.103 2020-09-08 16:41:05+02:00 Europe/Zurich (TRIAL RELEASE)
- minor documentation updates and corrections
- redesign internal interfaces below School::Code::Compare::Charset
- disable experimental::smartmatch warning above Perl v5.18 because 'when'
0.102 2020-08-30 12:34:38+02:00 Europe/Zurich (TRIAL RELEASE)
- update examples to current syntax in compare-code documentation
- replace 'given' with 'for' and require v5.14
0.101 2019-07-01 14:48:49+02:00 Europe/Zurich
- move test data from t/ to xt/ to hide it from toolchain
0.1 2019-06-24 11:47:45+02:00 Europe/Zurich (TRIAL RELEASE)
- interface changes / partial rewrite
program has different behaviour now
- some old options have new names
- new options and features added
- folders can now directly be fed as input (no lists needed)
- new charset 'numsignes' as new default
- no more multiple files as output
- use STDIN and STDOUT as defaults for processing
- all criterions are now relative to compared files
- more tests
- switch repo from github to gitlab in dist.ini meta information
- update documentation / fix typos and spelling
0.007 2019-01-17 13:54:55+01:00 Europe/Zurich
- throw "skipped" comparisons away
- mention html in help as option for output format
0.006 2017-12-11 16:35:04+01:00 Europe/Zurich
- support multiline comments, probably buggy ( /* )
- add 'java' as option, added some code_examples
- deal with \r (carriage return) at end of file paths (windows)
- remove all current files from folder doc (thus whole folder)
- add some documentation for windows
0.005 2017-12-04 16:02:32+01:00 Europe/Zurich
- auto generated META.json using dzil plugin [MetaJSON] (MANWAR)
- explode dzil [@Basic] so that [GatherDir] excludes repo license
- fix minor Kwalitee stuff (add use strict and warnings)
- fix some minor typos in documentation
0.004 2017-11-30 09:55:14+01:00 Europe/Zurich
- replace IO::Prompter with IO::Prompt::Simple (less issues on windows)
- fix issue with user-interaction while reading from STDIN
0.003 2017-11-30 09:01:25+01:00 Europe/Zurich
- documentation update: function docs for main lib
- allow absolute paths for Template. System installation seems requiring this
0.002 2017-11-29 10:24:00+01:00 Europe/Zurich
- documentation update, mainly for the script in bin directory
0.001 2017-11-27 22:25:07+01:00 Europe/Zurich (TRIAL RELEASE)
- initial release