Revision history for RT-Client-CLI

4.4.3 2018-06-27
 - Respect value 0(#31290)

4.2.11 2015-05-07
 - Default to enabling error warnings to the screen for interactive commands
 - Standardize --help, --quiet and --verbose options across tools
 - Allow GSSAPI authentication with bin/rt (#25074)

4.2.7 2014-10-27
 - Allow status modification while commenting
 - with 'rt ls', only ask for the fields that will be displayed

4.2.2 2014-01-13
 - Display original text in editor after errors
 - Support searching for queues, users, and groups, on RT >= 4.2.2

4.0.14 2013-07-25
 - Allow creation of text/html correspondence/comments via -ct
 - Support for attaching files on create 2013-06-21
 - Switch installer to ExtUtils::MakeMaker for less deps

4.0.13 2013-05-29
 - Initial release